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Kaal bhairav





Kaal Bhairav, a prominent deity in Hinduism, holds a unique and powerful position within the pantheon of gods and goddesses. Often depicted as a fearsome manifestation of Lord Shiva, Kaal Bhairav is revered as the fierce guardian and protector. His name itself translates to ‘Lord of Time‘ or ‘Eternal Time,’ emphasizing his association with the eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth.

Mythological Origins and Legends

In Hindu mythology, Kaal Bhairav’s origins are traced back to a legend involving Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu, the creators and preservers of the universe. Once, a disagreement arose between them regarding their supremacy. To resolve this, Lord Shiva appeared in his fierce form as Kaal Bhairav, challenging them to find his beginning and end. Brahma took the form of a swan to search for the topmost part of the cosmic pillar of light, while Vishnu transformed into a boar to dig deep into the earth to find its base. Both were unsuccessful, acknowledging Kaal Bhairav’s timeless existence and omnipresence.

Another popular legend associated with Kaal Bhairav is about his role in beheading Lord Brahma’s fifth head due to Brahma’s arrogance. This act symbolizes the control of ego and arrogance, with Kaal Bhairav standing as a reminder of the consequences of pride.

Iconography and Depictions

Kaal Bhairav is often portrayed with a dark complexion, wearing a garland of skulls around his neck, symbolizing the cyclical nature of time and death. He is depicted with a dog as his vahana (vehicle), emphasizing his role as the guardian who can detect even the subtlest of threats. In some depictions, he holds a trident or a drum (damaru), which symbolizes the rhythm of creation and destruction.

Temples and Worship

Numerous temples across India are dedicated to Kaal Bhairav, with the most famous one located in Varanasi (Kashi). Known as the Kashi Vishwanath Temple of Kaal Bhairav, it is believed that a visit to this temple completes the pilgrimage to Varanasi. Devotees offer prayers and seek blessings for protection from evil forces, relief from obstacles, and liberation from the cycle of life and death.

During the sacred Hindu festival of Kala Bhairav Ashtami, special rituals and prayers are conducted to honor and appease Kaal Bhairav. Devotees observe fasts and visit temples to seek his divine grace and blessings.

Symbolism and Philosophy

The worship of Kaal Bhairav carries profound philosophical meanings within Hinduism. He symbolizes the inevitability of time and the impermanence of life, urging devotees to embrace change and detach from worldly attachments. His fierce appearance and demeanor signify the destruction of ignorance and ego, paving the way for spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

Cultural Significance

Beyond religious contexts, Kaal Bhairav is also revered in various cultural practices and rituals. In some regions, people invoke his blessings for protection from negative influences, legal disputes, and other challenges in life. His presence in folk tales and local traditions underscores his significance as a guardian deity who watches over his devotees with unwavering vigilance.

Modern Relevance

In contemporary times, the worship of Kaal Bhairav continues to resonate with people seeking protection, guidance, and spiritual growth. His role as the guardian of time and destroyer of obstacles remains relevant in navigating the complexities of modern life. Devotees find solace in his fierce yet compassionate nature, believing that his blessings can help them overcome hurdles and lead a righteous life.


Kaal Bhairav, the Lord of Time and guardian deity, occupies a unique place in Hindu mythology and spirituality. His fierce form and profound symbolism reflect deeper philosophical truths about the nature of existence and the passage of time. Through rituals, prayers, and devotion, his devotees seek his divine protection, wisdom, and liberation from the cycle of birth and death. As a timeless symbol of strength and vigilance, Kaal Bhairav continues to inspire reverence and awe, embodying the eternal principles of Hinduism.


Importance of Kaal Bhairav

1. Guardian and Protector:

Kaal Bhairav is primarily revered as a fierce guardian and protector. His role involves safeguarding devotees from malevolent forces, negative energies, and obstacles on their spiritual and worldly journeys. This protective aspect makes him a crucial deity in the pantheon of Hindu gods, offering solace and assurance to those facing challenges.

2. Symbol of Time and Impermanence:

As the ‘Lord of Time’ (Kaal), Kaal Bhairav symbolizes the eternal cycle of creation, preservation, and destruction. His depiction with a garland of skulls signifies the inevitability of time and the transient nature of life. This symbolism serves as a reminder of the impermanence of material existence and encourages devotees to focus on spiritual growth and detachment from worldly attachments.

3. Destroyer of Ego and Ignorance:

In Hindu mythology, Kaal Bhairav’s act of beheading Lord Brahma’s fifth head underscores his role in destroying ego, arrogance, and ignorance. This mythological event symbolizes the importance of humility, self-awareness, and the pursuit of true knowledge. Devotees invoke Kaal Bhairav to seek liberation from the cycle of birth and death by transcending worldly illusions and realizing their true selves.

4. Cultural Reverence and Tradition:

Across India, numerous temples dedicated to Kaal Bhairav attract devotees seeking his blessings for protection, guidance, and spiritual fulfillment. The Kashi Vishwanath Temple of Kaal Bhairav in Varanasi holds particular significance, drawing pilgrims who believe that a visit here completes their pilgrimage to the holy city. Festivals such as Kala Bhairav Ashtami celebrate his divine presence and offer opportunities for devotees to express their devotion through rituals and prayers.

5. Philosophical Teachings:

Kaal Bhairav’s worship embodies profound philosophical teachings within Hinduism. His fierce form and attributes encourage devotees to confront and overcome their fears, doubts, and obstacles. By embracing his teachings, devotees learn resilience, determination, and acceptance of life’s challenges, ultimately leading to spiritual growth and inner transformation.

6. Relevance in Modern Contexts:

In contemporary times, Kaal Bhairav remains relevant as a source of strength, protection, and guidance. Devotees invoke his blessings to navigate personal and professional challenges, seek justice, and attain spiritual enlightenment. His timeless presence in Hindu rituals and practices underscores his enduring relevance in helping individuals maintain balance and harmony amidst life’s complexities.

7. Cultural Integration and Local Traditions:

Beyond religious contexts, Kaal Bhairav is integrated into local traditions, folklore, and cultural practices across India. His presence in regional customs and beliefs reflects his role as a guardian deity who watches over communities and individuals, ensuring their well-being and prosperity.

In summary, the importance of Kaal Bhairav in Hinduism encompasses his roles as a guardian, symbol of time and impermanence, destroyer of ego and ignorance, cultural icon, philosophical teacher, and relevant deity in modern contexts. His worship inspires devotion, resilience, and spiritual evolution, making him a revered figure who continues to guide and protect devotees on their spiritual journeys.

Guardian and Protector: Central to Kaal Bhairav’s importance is his role as a fierce guardian and protector. Devotees invoke him for protection from negative influences, obstacles, and malevolent forces. His presence is believed to offer security and assurance, particularly during times of adversity or uncertainty.

Symbol of Time and Impermanence: As the ‘Lord of Time’ (Kaal), Kaal Bhairav embodies the eternal cycle of creation, preservation, and destruction. His depiction with a garland of skulls symbolizes the inevitability of time and the transient nature of life. This symbolism encourages devotees to contemplate the impermanence of worldly existence and focus on spiritual growth and detachment.

Destroyer of Ego and Ignorance: In Hindu mythology, Kaal Bhairav’s act of beheading Lord Brahma’s fifth head serves as a powerful allegory. It signifies his role in destroying ego, arrogance, and ignorance—attributes that hinder spiritual progress. Devotees seek his blessings to overcome these obstacles and attain spiritual liberation.

Cultural Reverence and Tradition: Throughout India, temples dedicated to Kaal Bhairav are centers of pilgrimage and devotion. The Kashi Vishwanath Temple of Kaal Bhairav in Varanasi holds particular importance, drawing pilgrims who believe in his protective powers and spiritual blessings. Festivals like Kala Bhairav Ashtami are celebrated with fervor, honoring his divine presence and seeking his benevolence.

Philosophical Teachings: Kaal Bhairav’s worship is steeped in profound philosophical teachings. His fierce form and attributes encourage devotees to confront fears, doubts, and challenges with courage and resilience. Through devotion to Kaal Bhairav, followers learn to navigate life’s complexities while maintaining inner balance and spiritual clarity.

Relevance in Modern Contexts: In contemporary times, Kaal Bhairav remains relevant as a source of strength and guidance. Devotees turn to him for assistance in overcoming obstacles, seeking justice, and finding spiritual fulfillment. His timeless teachings resonate with individuals striving for personal growth and enlightenment amidst the demands of modern life.

Cultural Integration and Local Traditions: Beyond religious rituals, Kaal Bhairav is deeply integrated into local customs, folklore, and cultural practices across India. His presence in regional traditions reflects his role as a guardian deity who watches over communities and individuals, ensuring their welfare and prosperity.

In essence, Kaal Bhairav’s importance in Hinduism extends far beyond his fearsome appearance and mythical deeds. He embodies timeless principles of protection, spiritual growth, and philosophical enlightenment, offering devotees solace, strength, and guidance on their spiritual journeys through life’s intricate tapestry.

Names of Lord Hanuman | Shree Hanuman Sahasranamam







1 ॐ हनुमते नमः। Om Hanumate Namah।
2 ॐ श्रीप्रदाय नमः। Om Shripradaya Namah।
3 ॐ वायुपुत्राय नमः। Om Vayuputraya Namah।
4 ॐ रुद्राय नमः। Om Rudraya Namah।
5 ॐ अनघाय नमः। Om Anaghaya Namah।
6 ॐ अजराय नमः। Om Ajaraya Namah।
7 ॐ अमृत्यवे नमः। Om Amrityave Namah।
8 ॐ वीरवीराय नमः। Om Viraviraya Namah।
9 ॐ ग्रामवासाय नमः। Om Gramavasaya Namah।
10 ॐ जनाश्रयाय नमः। Om Janashrayaya Namah।
11 ॐ धनदाय नमः। Om Dhanadaya Namah।
12 ॐ निर्गुणाय नमः। Om Nirgunaya Namah।
13 ॐ अकायाय नमः। Om Akayaya Namah।
14 ॐ वीराय नमः। Om Viraya Namah।
15 ॐ निधिपतये नमः। Om Nidhipataye Namah।
16 ॐ मुनये नमः। Om Munaye Namah।
17 ॐ पिङ्गालक्षाय नमः। Om Pingalakshaya Namah।
18 ॐ वरदाय नमः। Om Varadaya Namah।
19 ॐ वाग्मिने नमः। Om Vagmine Namah।
20 ॐ सीताशोकविनाशनाय नमः। Om Sitashokavinashanaya Namah।
21 ॐ शिवाय नमः। Om Shivaya Namah।
22 ॐ सर्वस्मै नमः। Om Sarvasmai Namah।
23 ॐ परस्मै नमः। Om Parasmai Namah।
24 ॐ अव्यक्ताय नमः। Om Avyaktaya Namah।
25 ॐ व्यक्ताव्यक्ताय नमः। Om Vyaktavyaktaya Namah।
26 ॐ रसाधराय नमः। Om Rasadharaya Namah।
27 ॐ पिङ्गकेशाय नमः। Om Pingakeshaya Namah।
28 ॐ पिङ्गरोम्णे नमः। Om Pingaromne Namah।
29 ॐ श्रुतिगम्याय नमः। Om Shrutigamyaya Namah।
30 ॐ सनातनाय नमः। Om Sanatanaya Namah।
31 ॐ अनादये नमः। Om Anadaye Namah।
32 ॐ भगवते नमः। Om Bhagawate Namah।
33 ॐ देवाय नमः। Om Devaya Namah।
34 ॐ विश्वहेतवे नमः। Om Vishvahetave Namah।
35 ॐ निरामयाय नमः। Om Niramayaya Namah।
36 ॐ आरोग्यकर्त्रे नमः। Om Arogyakartre Namah।
37 ॐ विश्वेशाय नमः। Om Vishveshaya Namah।
38 ॐ विश्वनाथाय नमः। Om Vishvanathaya Namah।
39 ॐ हरीश्वराय नमः। Om Harishwaraya Namah।
40 ॐ भर्गाय नमः। Om Bhargaya Namah।
41 ॐ रामाय नमः। Om Ramaya Namah।
42 ॐ रामभक्ताय नमः। Om Ramabhaktaya Namah।
43 ॐ कल्याणप्रकृतये नमः। Om Kalyanaprakritaye Namah।
44 ॐ स्थिराय नमः। Om Sthiraya Namah।
45 ॐ विश्वम्भराय नमः। Om Vishvambharaya Namah।
46 ॐ विश्वमूर्तये नमः। Om Vishvamurtaye Namah।
47 ॐ विश्वाकाराय नमः। Om Vishvakaraya Namah।
48 ॐ विश्वपाय नमः। Om Vishvapaya Namah।
49 ॐ विश्वात्मने नमः। Om Vishvatmane Namah।
50 ॐ विश्वसेव्याय नमः। Om Vishvasevyaya Namah।
51 ॐ विश्वस्मै नमः। Om Vishvasmai Namah।
52 ॐ विश्वहराय नमः। Om Vishvaharaya Namah।
53 ॐ रवये नमः। Om Ravaye Namah।
54 ॐ विश्वचेष्टाय नमः। Om Vishvacheshtaya Namah।
55 ॐ विश्वगम्याय नमः। Om Vishvagamyaya Namah।
56 ॐ विश्वध्येयाय नमः। Om Vishvadhyeyaya Namah।
57 ॐ कलाधराय नमः। Om Kaladharaya Namah।
58 ॐ प्लवङ्गमाय नमः। Om Plavangamaya Namah।
59 ॐ कपिश्रेष्ठाय नमः। Om Kapishreshthaya Namah।
60 ॐ ज्येष्ठाय नमः। Om Jyeshthaya Namah।
61 ॐ वैद्याय नमः। Om Vaidyaya Namah।
62 ॐ वनेचराय नमः। Om Vanecharaya Namah।
63 ॐ बालाय नमः। Om Balaya Namah।
64 ॐ वृद्धाय नमः। Om Vriddhaya Namah।
65 ॐ यूने नमः। Om Yune Namah।
66 ॐ तत्त्वाय नमः। Om Tattvaya Namah।
67 ॐ तत्त्वगम्याय नमः। Om Tattvagamyaya Namah।
68 ॐ सख्ये नमः। Om Sakhye Namah।
69 ॐ अजाय नमः। Om Ajaya Namah।
70 ॐ अञ्जनासूनवे नमः। Om Anjanasunave Namah।
71 ॐ अव्यग्राय नमः। Om Avyagraya Namah।
72 ॐ ग्रामख्याताय नमः। Om Gramakhyataya Namah।
73 ॐ धराधराय नमः। Om Dharadharaya Namah।
74 ॐ भूर्लोकाय नमः। Om Bhurlokaya Namah।
75 ॐ भुवर्लोकाय नमः। Om Bhuvarlokaya Namah।
76 ॐ स्वर्लोकाय नमः। Om Swarlokaya Namah।
77 ॐ महर्लोकाय नमः। Om Maharlokaya Namah।
78 ॐ जनलोकाय नमः। Om Janalokaya Namah।
79 ॐ तपोलोकाय नमः। Om Tapolokaya Namah।
80 ॐ अव्ययाय नमः। Om Avyayaya Namah।
81 ॐ सत्याय नमः। Om Satyaya Namah।
82 ॐ ओंकारगम्याय नमः। Om Omkaragamyaya Namah।
83 ॐ प्रणवाय नमः। Om Pranavaya Namah।
84 ॐ व्यापकाय नमः। Om Vyapakaya Namah।
85 ॐ अमलाय नमः। Om Amalaya Namah।
86 ॐ शिवधर्मप्रतिष्ठात्रे नमः। Om Shivadharmapratishthatre Namah।
87 ॐ रामेष्टाय नमः। Om Rameshtaya Namah।
88 ॐ फाल्गुनप्रियाय नमः। Om Phalgunapriyaya Namah।
89 ॐ गोष्पदीकृतवारीशाय नमः। Om Goshpadikritavarishaya Namah।
90 ॐ पूर्णकामाय नमः। Om Purnakamaya Namah।
91 ॐ धरापतये नमः। Om Dharapataye Namah।
92 ॐ रक्षोघ्नाय नमः। Om Rakshoghnaya Namah।
93 ॐ पुण्डरीकाक्षाय नमः। Om Pundarikakshaya Namah।
94 ॐ शरणागतवत्सलाय नमः। Om Sharanagatavatsalaya Namah।
95 ॐ जानकीप्राणदात्रे नमः। Om Janakipranadatre Namah।
96 ॐ रक्षःप्राणापहारकाय नमः। Om Rakshahpranapaharakaya Namah।
97 ॐ पूर्णाय नमः। Om Purnaya Namah।
98 ॐ सत्यायः नमः। Om Satyaya Namah।
99 ॐ पीतवाससे नमः। Om Pitavasase Namah।
100 ॐ दिवाकरसमप्रभाय नमः। Om Diwakarasamaprabhaya Namah।
101 ॐ देवोद्यानविहारिणे नमः। Om Devodyanaviharine Namah।
102 ॐ देवताभयभञ्जनाय नमः। Om Devatabhayabhanjanaya Namah।
103 ॐ भक्तोदयाय नमः। Om Bhaktodayaya Namah।
104 ॐ भक्तलब्धाय नमः। Om Bhaktalabdhaya Namah।
105 ॐ भक्तपालनतत्पराय नमः। Om Bhaktapalanatatparaya Namah।
106 ॐ द्रोणहर्त्रे नमः। Om Dronahartre Namah।
107 ॐ शक्तिनेत्रे नमः। Om Shaktinetre Namah।
108 ॐ शक्तिराक्षसमारकाय नमः। Om Shaktirakshasamarakaya Namah।
109 ॐ अक्षघ्नाय नमः। Om Akshaghnaya Namah।
110 ॐ रामदूताय नमः। Om Ramadutaya Namah।
111 ॐ शाकिनीजीवहारकाय नमः। Om Shakinijivaharakaya Namah।
112 ॐ बुबुकारहतारातये नमः। Om Bubukarahatarataye Namah।
113 ॐ गर्वपर्वतप्रमर्दनाय नमः। Om Garvaparvatamardanaya Namah।
114 ॐ हेतवे नमः। Om Hetave Namah।
115 ॐ अहेतवे नमः। Om Ahetave Namah।
116 ॐ प्रांशवे नमः। Om Pranshave Namah।
117 ॐ विश्वभर्त्रे नमः। Om Vishvabhartre Namah।
118 ॐ जगद्गुरवे नमः। Om Jagadgurave Namah।
119 ॐ जगन्नेत्रे नमः। Om Jagannetre Namah।
120 ॐ जगन्नाथाय नमः। Om Jagannathaya Namah।
121 ॐ जगदीशाय नमः। Om Jagadishaya Namah।
122 ॐ जनेश्वराय नमः। Om Janeshwaraya Namah।
123 ॐ जगद्धिताय नमः। Om Jagaddhitaya Namah।
124 ॐ हरये नमः। Om Haraye Namah।
125 ॐ श्रीशाय नमः। Om Shrishaya Namah।
126 ॐ गरुडस्मयभञ्जनाय नमः। Om Garudasmayabhanjanaya Namah।
127 ॐ पार्थध्वजाय नमः। Om Parthadhwajaya Namah।
128 ॐ वायुपुत्राय नमः। Om Vayuputraya Namah।
129 ॐ अमितपुच्छाय नमः। Om Amitapuchchhaya Namah।
130 ॐ अमितविक्रमाय नमः। Om Amitavikramaya Namah।
131 ॐ ब्रह्मपुच्छाय नमः। Om Brahmapuchchhaya Namah।
132 ॐ परब्रह्मपुच्छाय नमः। Om Parabrahmapuchchhaya Namah।
133 ॐ रामेष्टकारकाय नमः। Om Rameshtakarakaya Namah।
134 ॐ सुग्रीवादियुताय नमः। Om Sugrivadiyutaya Namah।
135 ॐ ज्ञानिने नमः। Om Jnanine Namah।
136 ॐ वानराय नमः। Om Vanaraya Namah।
137 ॐ वानरेश्वराय नमः। Om Vanareshvaraya Namah।
138 ॐ कल्पस्थायिने नमः। Om Kalpasthayine Namah।
139 ॐ चिरञ्जीविने नमः। Om Chiranjivine Namah।
140 ॐ तपनाय नमः। Om Tapanaya Namah।
141 ॐ सदाशिवाय नमः। Om Sadashivaya Namah।
142 ॐ सन्नतये नमः। Om Sannataye Namah।
143 ॐ सद्गतये नमः। Om Sadgataye Namah।
144 ॐ भुक्तिमुक्तिदाय नमः। Om Bhuktimuktidaya Namah।
145 ॐ कीर्तिदायकाय नमः। Om Kirtidayakaya Namah।
146 ॐ कीर्तये नमः। Om Kirtaye Namah।
147 ॐ कीर्तिप्रदाय नमः। Om Kirtipradaya Namah।
148 ॐ समुद्राय नमः। Om Samudraya Namah।
149 ॐ श्रीप्रदाय नमः। Om Shripradaya Namah।
150 ॐ शिवाय नमः। Om Shivaya Namah।
151 ॐ भक्तोदयाय नमः। Om Bhaktodayaya Namah।
152 ॐ भक्तगम्याय नमः। Om Bhaktagamyaya Namah।
153 ॐ भक्तभाग्यप्रदायकाय नमः। Om Bhaktabhagyapradayakaya Namah।
154 ॐ उदधिक्रमणाय नमः। Om Udadhikramanaya Namah।
155 ॐ देवाय नमः। Om Devaya Namah।
156 ॐ संसारभयनाशनाय नमः। Om Samsarabhayanashanaya Namah।
157 ॐ वार्धिबन्धनकृते नमः। Om Vardhibandhanakrite Namah।
158 ॐ विश्वजेत्रे नमः। Om Vishvajetre Namah।
159 ॐ विश्वप्रतिष्ठिताय नमः। Om Vishvapratishthitaya Namah।
160 ॐ लङ्कारये नमः। Om Lankaraye Namah।
161 ॐ कालपुरुषाय नमः। Om Kalapurushaya Namah।
162 ॐ लङ्केशगृहभञ्जनाय नमः। Om Lankeshagrihabhanjanaya Namah।
163 ॐ भूतावासाय नमः। Om Bhutavasaya Namah।
164 ॐ वासुदेवाय नमः। Om Vasudevaya Namah।
165 ॐ वसवे नमः। Om Vasave Namah।
166 ॐ त्रिभुवनेश्वराय नमः। Om Tribhuvaneshwaraya Namah।
167 ॐ श्रीरामरूपाय नमः। Om Shriramarupaya Namah।
168 ॐ कृष्णाय नमः। Om Krishnaya Namah।
169 ॐ लङ्काप्रासादभञ्जकाय नमः। Om Lankaprasadabhanjakaya Namah।
170 ॐ कृष्णाय नमः। Om Krishnaya Namah।
171 ॐ कृष्णस्तुताय नमः। Om Krishnastutaya Namah।
172 ॐ शान्ताय नमः। Om Shantaya Namah।
173 ॐ शान्तिदाय नमः। Om Shantidaya Namah।
174 ॐ विश्वपावनाय नमः। Om Vishvapavanaya Namah।
175 ॐ विश्वभोक्त्रे नमः। Om Vishvabhoktre Namah।
176 ॐ मारघ्नाय नमः। Om Maraghnaya Namah।
177 ॐ ब्रह्मचारिणे नमः। Om Brahmacharine Namah।
178 ॐ जितेन्द्रियाय नमः। Om Jitendriyaya Namah।
179 ॐ ऊर्ध्वगाय नमः। Om Urdhvagaya Namah।
180 ॐ लाङ्गुलिने नमः। Om Languline Namah।
181 ॐ मालिने नमः। Om Maline Namah।
182 ॐ लाङ्गूलाहतराक्षसाय नमः। Om Langulahatarakshasaya Namah।
183 ॐ समीरतनुजाय नमः। Om Samiratanujaya Namah।
184 ॐ वीराय नमः। Om Viraya Namah।
185 ॐ वीरताराय नमः। Om Virataraya Namah।
186 ॐ जयप्रदाय नमः। Om Jayapradaya Namah।
187 ॐ जगन्मङ्गलदाय नमः। Om Jaganmangaladaya Namah।
188 ॐ पुण्याय नमः। Om Punyaya Namah।
189 ॐ पुण्यश्रवणकीर्तनाय नमः। Om Punyashravanakirtanaya Namah।
190 ॐ पुण्यकीर्तये नमः। Om Punyakirtaye Namah।
191 ॐ पुण्यगतये नमः। Om Punyagataye Namah।
192 ॐ जगत्पावनापावनाय नमः। Om Jagatpavanapavanaya Namah।
193 ॐ देवेशाय नमः। Om Deveshaya Namah।
194 ॐ जितमाराय नमः। Om Jitamaraya Namah।
195 ॐ रामभक्तिविधायकाय नमः। Om Ramabhaktividhayakaya Namah।
196 ॐ ध्यात्रे नमः। Om Dhyatre Namah।
197 ॐ ध्येयाय नमः। Om Dhyeyaya Namah।
198 ॐ लयाय नमः। Om Layaya Namah।
199 ॐ साक्षिणे नमः। Om Sakshine Namah।
200 ॐ चेतसे नमः। Om Chetase Namah।
201 ॐ चैतन्यविग्रहाय नमः। Om Chaitanyavigrahaya Namah।
202 ॐ ज्ञानदाय नमः। Om Jnanadaya Namah।
203 ॐ प्राणदाय नमः। Om Pranadaya Namah।
204 ॐ प्राणाय नमः। Om Pranaya Namah।
205 ॐ जगत्प्राणाय नमः। Om Jagatpranaya Namah।
206 ॐ समीरणाय नमः। Om Samiranaya Namah।
207 ॐ विभीषणप्रियाय नमः। Om Vibhishanapriyaya Namah।
208 ॐ शूराय नमः। Om Shuraya Namah।
209 ॐ पिप्पलाश्रयसिद्धिदाय नमः। Om Pippalashrayasiddhidaya Namah।
210 ॐ सिद्धाय नमः। Om Siddhaya Namah।
211 ॐ सिद्धाश्रयाय नमः। Om Siddhashrayaya Namah।
212 ॐ कालाय नमः। Om Kalaya Namah।
213 ॐ महोक्षाय नमः। Om Mahokshaya Namah।
214 ॐ कालाजान्तकाय नमः। Om Kalajantakaya Namah।
215 ॐ लङ्केशनिधनाय नमः। Om Lankeshanidhanaya Namah।
216 ॐ स्थायिने नमः। Om Sthayine Namah।
217 ॐ लङ्कादाहकाय नमः। Om Lankadahakaya Namah।
218 ॐ ईश्वराय नमः। Om Ishwaraya Namah।
219 ॐ चन्द्रसूर्याग्निनेत्राय नमः। Om Chandrasuryagninetraya Namah।
220 ॐ कालाग्नये नमः। Om Kalagnaye Namah।
221 ॐ प्रलयान्तकाय नमः। Om Pralayantakaya Namah।
222 ॐ कपिलाय नमः। Om Kapilaya Namah।
223 ॐ कपिशाय नमः। Om Kapishaya Namah।
224 ॐ पुण्यराशये नमः। Om Punyarashaye Namah।
225 ॐ द्वादशराशिगाय नमः। Om Dwadasharashigaya Namah।
226 ॐ सर्वाश्रयाय नमः। Om Sarvashrayaya Namah।
227 ॐ अप्रमेयात्मने नमः। Om Aprameyatmane Namah।
228 ॐ रेवत्यादिनिवारकाय नमः। Om Revatyadinivarakaya Namah।
229 ॐ लक्ष्मणप्राणदात्रे नमः। Om Lakshamanapranadatre Namah।
230 ॐ सीताजीवनहेतुकाय नमः। Om Sitajivanahetukaya Namah।
231 ॐ रामध्येयाय नमः। Om Ramadhyeyaya Namah।
232 ॐ हृषिकेशाय नमः। Om Hrishikeshaya Namah।
233 ॐ विष्णुभक्ताय नमः। Om Vishnubhaktaya Namah।
234 ॐ जटिने नमः। Om Jatine Namah।
235 ॐ बलिने नमः। Om Baline Namah।
236 ॐ देवारिदर्पघ्ने नमः। Om Devaridarpaghne Namah।
237 ॐ होत्रे नमः। Om Hotre Namah।
238 ॐ धात्रे नमः। Om Dhatre Namah।
239 ॐ कर्त्रे नमः। Om Kartre Namah।
240 ॐ जगत्प्रभवे नमः। Om Jagatprabhave Namah।
241 ॐ नगरग्रामपालाय नमः। Om Nagaragramapalaya Namah।
242 ॐ शुद्धाय नमः। Om Shuddhaya Namah।
243 ॐ बुद्धाय नमः। Om Buddhaya Namah।
244 ॐ निरत्रपाय नमः। Om Niratrapaya Namah।
245 ॐ निरञ्जनाय नमः। Om Niranjanaya Namah।
246 ॐ निर्विकल्पाय नमः। Om Nirvikalpaya Namah।
247 ॐ गुणातीताय नमः। Om Gunatitaya Namah।
248 ॐ भयङ्कराय नमः। Om Bhayankaraya Namah।
249 ॐ हनुमते नमः। Om Hanumate Namah।
250 ॐ दुराराध्याय नमः। Om Duraradhyaya Namah।
251 ॐ तपःसाध्याय नमः। Om Tapahsadhyaya Namah।
252 ॐ महेश्वराय नमः। Om Maheshwaraya Namah।
253 ॐ जानकीधनशोकोत्थतापहर्त्रे नमः। Om Janakidhanashokotthatapahartre Namah।
254 ॐ परात्परस्मै नमः। Om Paratparasmai Namah।
255 ॐ वाङ्मयाय नमः। Om Vanmayaya Namah।
256 ॐ सदसद्रूपाय नमः। Om Sadasadrupaya Namah।
257 ॐ कारणाय नमः। Om Karanaya Namah।
258 ॐ प्रकृतेः परस्मै नमः। Om Prakriteh Parasmai Namah।
259 ॐ भाग्यदाय नमः। Om Bhagyadaya Namah।
260 ॐ निर्मलाय नमः। Om Nirmalaya Namah।
261 ॐ नेत्रे नमः। Om Netre Namah।
262 ॐ पुच्छलङ्काविदाहकाय नमः। Om Puchchhalankavidahakaya Namah।
263 ॐ पुच्छबद्धयातुधानाय नमः। Om Puchchhabaddhayatudhanaya Namah।
264 ॐ यातुधानरिपुप्रियाय नमः। Om Yatudhanaripupriyaya Namah।
265 ॐ छायापहारिणे नमः। Om Chhayapaharine Namah।
266 ॐ भूतेशाय नमः। Om Bhuteshaya Namah।
267 ॐ लोकेशाय नमः। Om Lokeshaya Namah।
268 ॐ सद्गतिप्रदाय नमः। Om Sadgatipradaya Namah।
269 ॐ प्लवङ्गमेश्वराय नमः। Om Plavangameshwaraya Namah।
270 ॐ क्रोधाय नमः। Om Krodhaya Namah।
271 ॐ क्रोधसंरक्तलोचनाय नमः। Om Krodhasanraktalochanaya Namah।
272 ॐ सौम्याय नमः। Om Saumyaya Namah।
273 ॐ गुरवे नमः। Om Gurave Namah।
274 ॐ काव्यकर्त्रे नमः। Om Kavyakartre Namah।
275 ॐ भक्तानां वरप्रदाय नमः। Om Bhaktanam Varapradaya Namah।
276 ॐ भक्तानुकम्पिने नमः। Om Bhaktanukampine Namah।
277 ॐ विश्वेशाय नमः। Om Vishveshaya Namah।
278 ॐ पुरुहूताय नमः। Om Puruhutaya Namah।
279 ॐ पुरन्दराय नमः। Om Purandaraya Namah।
280 ॐ क्रोधहर्त्रे नमः। Om Krodhahartre Namah।
281 ॐ तमोहर्त्रे नमः। Om Tamohartre Namah।
282 ॐ भक्ताभयवरप्रदाय नमः। Om Bhaktabhayavarapradaya Namah।
283 ॐ अग्नये नमः। Om Agnaye Namah।
284 ॐ विभावसवे नमः। Om Vibhavasave Namah।
285 ॐ भास्वते नमः। Om Bhaswate Namah।
286 ॐ यमाय नमः। Om Yamaya Namah।
287 ॐ निर्ॠतये नमः। Om Nirritaye Namah।
288 ॐ वरुणाय नमः। Om Varunaya Namah।
289 ॐ वायुगतिमते नमः। Om Vayugatimate Namah।
290 ॐ वायवे नमः। Om Vayave Namah।
291 ॐ कौबेराय नमः। Om Kauberaya Namah।
292 ॐ ईश्वराय नमः। Om Ishwaraya Namah।
293 ॐ रवये नमः। Om Ravaye Namah।
294 ॐ चन्द्राय नमः। Om Chandraya Namah।
295 ॐ कुजाय नमः। Om Kujaya Namah।
296 ॐ सौम्याय नमः। Om Saumyaya Namah।
297 ॐ गुरवे नमः। Om Gurave Namah।
298 ॐ काव्याय नमः। Om Kavyaya Namah।
299 ॐ शनैश्चराय नमः। Om Shanaishcharaya Namah।
300 ॐ राहवे नमः। Om Rahave Namah।
301 ॐ केतवे नमः। Om Ketave Namah।
302 ॐ मरुते नमः। Om Marute Namah।
303 ॐ होत्रे नमः। Om Hotre Namah।
304 ॐ दात्रे नमः। Om Datre Namah।
305 ॐ हर्त्रे नमः। Om Hartre Namah।
306 ॐ समीरजाय नमः। Om Samirajaya Namah।
307 ॐ मशकीकृतदेवारये नमः। Om Mashakikritadevaraye Namah।
308 ॐ दैत्यारये नमः। Om Daityaraye Namah।
309 ॐ मधुसूदनाय नमः। Om Madhusudanaya Namah।
310 ॐ कामाय नमः। Om Kamaya Namah।
311 ॐ कपये नमः। Om Kapaye Namah।
312 ॐ कामपालाय नमः। Om Kamapalaya Namah।
313 ॐ कपिलाय नमः। Om Kapilaya Namah।
314 ॐ विश्वजीवनाय नमः। Om Vishvajivanaya Namah।
315 ॐ भागीरथीपदाम्भोजाय नमः। Om Bhagirathipadambhojaya Namah।
316 ॐ सेतुबन्धविशारदाय नमः। Om Setubandhavisharadaya Namah।
317 ॐ स्वाहायै नमः। Om Swahayai Namah।
318 ॐ स्वधायै नमः। Om Swadhayai Namah।
319 ॐ हविषे नमः। Om Havishe Namah।
320 ॐ कव्याय नमः। Om Kavyaya Namah।
321 ॐ हव्यवाहप्रकाशकाय नमः। Om Havyavahaprakashakaya Namah।
322 ॐ स्वप्रकाशाय नमः। Om Swaprakashaya Namah।
323 ॐ महावीराय नमः। Om Mahaviraya Namah।
324 ॐ लघवे नमः। Om Laghave Namah।
325 ॐ ऊर्जितविक्रमाय नमः। Om Urjitavikramaya Namah।
326 ॐ उड्डीनोड्डीनगतिमते नमः। Om Uddinoddinagatimate Namah।
327 ॐ सद्गतये नमः। Om Sadgataye Namah।
328 ॐ पुरुषोत्तमाय नमः। Om Purushottamaya Namah।
329 ॐ जगदात्मने नमः। Om Jagadatmane Namah।
330 ॐ जगद्योनये नमः। Om Jagadyonaye Namah।
331 ॐ जगदन्ताय नमः। Om Jagadantaya Namah।
332 ॐ अनन्तकाय नमः। Om Anantakaya Namah।
333 ॐ विपाप्मने नमः। Om Vipapmane Namah।
334 ॐ निष्कलङ्काय नमः। Om Nishkalankaya Namah।
335 ॐ महते नमः। Om Mahate Namah।
336 ॐ महदहङ्कृतये नमः। Om Mahadahankritaye Namah।
337 ॐ खाय नमः। Om Khaya Namah।
338 ॐ वायवे नमः। Om Vayave Namah।
339 ॐ पृथिव्यै नमः। Om Prithivyai Namah।
340 ॐ अद्भ्यो नमः। Om Adbhyo Namah।
341 ॐ वह्नये नमः। Om Vahnaye Namah।
342 ॐ दिक्पालाय नमः। Om Dikpalaya Namah।
343 ॐ क्षेत्रज्ञाय नमः। Om Kshetrajnaya Namah।
344 ॐ क्षेत्रहर्त्रे नमः। Om Kshetrahartre Namah।
345 ॐ पल्वलीकृतसागराय नमः। Om Palvalikritasagaraya Namah।
346 ॐ हिरण्मयाय नमः। Om Hiranmayaya Namah।
347 ॐ पुराणाय नमः। Om Puranaya Namah।
348 ॐ खेचराय नमः। Om Khecharaya Namah।
349 ॐ भूचराय नमः। Om Bhucharaya Namah।
350 ॐ अमराय नमः। Om Amaraya Namah।
351 ॐ हिरण्यगर्भाय नमः। Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namah।
352 ॐ सूत्रात्मने नमः। Om Sutratmane Namah।
353 ॐ राजराजाय नमः। Om Rajarajaya Namah।
354 ॐ विशाम्पतये नमः। Om Vishampataye Namah।
355 ॐ वेदान्तवेद्याय नमः। Om Vedantavedyaya Namah।
356 ॐ उद्गीथाय नमः। Om Udgithaya Namah।
357 ॐ वेदवेदाङ्गपारगाय नमः। Om Vedavedangaparagaya Namah।
358 ॐ प्रतिग्रामस्थितये नमः। Om Pratigramasthitaye Namah।
359 ॐ सद्यः स्फूर्तिदात्रे नमः। Om Sadyah Sphurtidatre Namah।
360 ॐ गुणाकराय नमः। Om Gunakaraya Namah।
361 ॐ नक्षत्रमालिने नमः। Om Nakshatramaline Namah।
362 ॐ भूतात्मने नमः। Om Bhutatmane Namah।
363 ॐ सुरभये नमः। Om Surabhaye Namah।
364 ॐ कल्पपादपाय नमः। Om Kalpapadapaya Namah।
365 ॐ चिन्तामणये नमः। Om Chintamanaye Namah।
366 ॐ गुणनिधये नमः। Om Gunanidhaye Namah।
367 ॐ प्रजाधाराय नमः। Om Prajadharaya Namah।
368 ॐ अनुत्तमाय नमः। Om Anuttamaya Namah।
369 ॐ पुण्यश्लोकाय नमः। Om Punyashlokaya Namah।
370 ॐ पुरारातये नमः। Om Purarataye Namah।
371 ॐ ज्योतिष्मते नमः। Om Jyotishmate Namah।
372 ॐ शर्वरीपतये नमः। Om Sharvaripataye Namah।
373 ॐ किल्किलारावसन्त्रस्तभूतप्रेतपिशाचकाय नमः। Om Kilkilaravasantrastabhutapretapishachakaya Namah।
374 ॐ ऋणत्रयहराय नमः। Om Rinatrayaharaya Namah।
375 ॐ सूक्ष्माय नमः। Om Sukshmaya Namah।
376 ॐ स्थूलाय नमः। Om Sthulaya Namah।
377 ॐ सर्वगतये नमः। Om Sarvagataye Namah।
378 ॐ पुंसे नमः। Om Pumse Namah।
379 ॐ अपस्मारहराय नमः। Om Apasmaraharaya Namah।
380 ॐ स्मर्त्रे नमः। Om Smartre Namah।
381 ॐ श्रुतये नमः। Om Shrutaye Namah।
382 ॐ गाथायै नमः। Om Gathayai Namah।
383 ॐ स्मृतये नमः। Om Smritaye Namah।
384 ॐ मनवे नमः। Om Manave Namah।
385 ॐ स्वर्गद्वाराय नमः। Om Swargadwaraya Namah।
386 ॐ प्रजाद्वाराय नमः। Om Prajadwaraya Namah।
387 ॐ मोक्षद्वाराय नमः। Om Mokshadwaraya Namah।
388 ॐ यतीश्वराय नमः। Om Yatishwaraya Namah।
389 ॐ नादरूपायx नमः। Om Nadarupaya Namah।
390 ॐ परस्मै ब्रह्मणे नमः। Om Parasmai Brahmane Namah।
391 ॐ ब्रह्मणे नमः। Om Brahmane Namah।
392 ॐ ब्रह्मपुरातनाय नमः। Om Brahmapuratanaya Namah।
393 ॐ एकस्मै नमः। Om Ekasmai Namah।
394 ॐ अनेकाय नमः। Om Anekaya Namah।
395 ॐ जनाय नमः। Om Janaya Namah।
396 ॐ शुक्लाय नमः। Om Shuklaya Namah।
397 ॐ स्वयंज्योतिषे नमः। Om Swayamjyotishe Namah।
398 ॐ अनाकुलाय नमः। Om Anakulaya Namah।
399 ॐ ज्योतिर्ज्योतिषे नमः। Om Jyotirjyotishe Namah।
400 ॐ अनादये नमः। Om Anadaye Namah।
401 ॐ सात्त्विकाय नमः। Om Sattvikaya Namah।
402 ॐ राजसाय नमः। Om Rajasaya Namah।
403 ॐ तमाय नमः। Om Tamaya Namah।
404 ॐ तमोहर्त्रे नमः। Om Tamohartre Namah।
405 ॐ निरालम्बाय नमः। Om Niralambaya Namah।
406 ॐ निराकाराय नमः। Om Nirakaraya Namah।
407 ॐ गुणाकराय नमः। Om Gunakaraya Namah।
408 ॐ गुणाश्रयाय नमः। Om Gunashrayaya Namah।
409 ॐ गुणमयाय नमः। Om Gunamayaya Namah।
410 ॐ बृहत्कर्मणे नमः। Om Brihatkarmane Namah।
411 ॐ बृहद्यशसे नमः। Om Brihadyashase Namah।
412 ॐ बृहद्धनवे नमः। Om Brihaddhanave Namah।
413 ॐ बृहत्पादाय नमः। Om Brihatpadaya Namah।
414 ॐ बृहन्मूर्ध्ने नमः। Om Brihanmurdhne Namah।
415 ॐ बृहत्स्वनाय नमः। Om Brihatsvanaya Namah।
416 ॐ बृहत्कर्णाय नमः। Om Brihatkarnaya Namah।
417 ॐ बृहन्नासाय नमः। Om Brihannasaya Namah।
418 ॐ बृहद्बाहवे नमः। Om Brihadbahave Namah।
419 ॐ बृहत्तनवे नमः। Om Brihattanave Namah।
420 ॐ बृहज्जानवे नमः। Om Brihajjanave Namah।
421 ॐ बृहत्कार्याय नमः। Om Brihatkaryaya Namah।
422 ॐ बृहत्पुच्छाय नमः। Om Brihatpuchchhaya Namah।
423 ॐ बृहत्कराय नमः। Om Brihatkaraya Namah।
424 ॐ बृहद्गतये नमः। Om Brihadgataye Namah।
425 ॐ बृहत्सेव्याय नमः। Om Brihatsevyaya Namah।
426 ॐ बृहल्लोकफलप्रदाय नमः। Om Brihallokaphalapradaya Namah।
427 ॐ बृहच्छक्तये नमः। Om Brihachchhaktaye Namah।
428 ॐ बृहद्वाञ्छाफलदाय नमः। Om Brihadvanchhaphaladaya Namah।
429 ॐ बृहदीश्वराय नमः। Om Brihadishwaraya Namah।
430 ॐ बृहल्लोकनुताय नमः। Om Brihallokanutaya Namah।
431 ॐ द्रष्ट्रे नमः। Om Drashtre Namah।
432 ॐ विद्यादात्रे नमः। Om Vidyadatre Namah।
433 ॐ जगद्गुरवे नमः। Om Jagadgurave Namah।
434 ॐ देवाचार्याय नमः। Om Devacharyaya Namah।
435 ॐ सत्यवादिने नमः। Om Satyavadine Namah।
436 ॐ ब्रह्मवादिने नमः। Om Brahmavadine Namah।
437 ॐ कलाधराय नमः। Om Kaladharaya Namah।
438 ॐ सप्तपातालगामिने नमः। Om Saptapatalagamine Namah।
439 ॐ मलयाचलसंश्रयाय नमः। Om Malayachalasamshrayaya Namah।
440 ॐ उत्तराशास्थिताय नमः। Om Uttarashasthitaya Namah।
441 ॐ श्रीदाय नमः। Om Shridaya Namah।
442 ॐ दिव्यौषधिवशाय नमः। Om Divyaushadhivashaya Namah।
443 ॐ खगाय नमः। Om Khagaya Namah।
444 ॐ शाखामृगाय नमः। Om Shakhamrigaya Namah।
445 ॐ कपीन्द्राय नमः। Om Kapindraya Namah।
446 ॐ पुराणश्रुतिचञ्चुराय नमः। Om Puranashrutichanchuraya Namah।
447 ॐ चतुरब्राह्मणाय नमः। Om Chaturabrahmanaya Namah।
448 ॐ योगिने नमः। Om Yogine Namah।
449 ॐ योगगम्याय नमः। Om Yogagamyaya Namah।
450 ॐ परस्मै नमः। Om Parasmai Namah।
451 ॐ अवरस्मै नमः। Om Avarasmai Namah।
452 ॐ अनादिनिधनाय नमः। Om Anadinidhanaya Namah।
453 ॐ व्यासाय नमः। Om Vyasaya Namah।
454 ॐ वैकुण्ठाय नमः। Om Vaikunthaya Namah।
455 ॐ पृथिवीपतये नमः। Om Prithivipataye Namah।
456 ॐ अपराजिताय नमः। Om Aparajitaya Namah।
457 ॐ जितारातये नमः। Om Jitarataye Namah।
458 ॐ सदानन्दाय नमः। Om Sadanandaya Namah।
459 ॐ दयायुताय नमः। Om Dayayutaya Namah।
460 ॐ गोपालाय नमः। Om Gopalaya Namah।
461 ॐ गोपतये नमः। Om Gopataye Namah।
462 ॐ गोप्त्रे नमः। Om Goptre Namah।
463 ॐ कलिकालपराशराय नमः। Om Kalikalaparasharaya Namah।
464 ॐ मनोवेगिने नमः। Om Manovegine Namah।
465 ॐ सदायोगिने नमः। Om Sadayogine Namah।
466 ॐ संसारभयनाशनाय नमः। Om Samsarabhayanashanaya Namah।
467 ॐ तत्त्वदात्रे नमः। Om Tattvadatre Namah।
468 ॐ तत्त्वज्ञाय नमः। Om Tattvajnaya Namah।
469 ॐ तत्त्वाय नमः। Om Tattvaya Namah।
470 ॐ तत्त्वप्रकाशकाय नमः। Om Tattvaprakashakaya Namah।
471 ॐ शुद्धाय नमः। Om Shuddhaya Namah।
472 ॐ बुद्धाय नमः। Om Buddhaya Namah।
473 ॐ नित्यमुक्ताय नमः। Om Nityamuktaya Namah।
474 ॐ भक्तराजाय नमः। Om Bhaktarajaya Namah।
475 ॐ जयद्रथाय नमः। Om Jayadrathaya Namah।
476 ॐ प्रलयाय नमः। Om Pralayaya Namah।
477 ॐ अमितमायाय नमः। Om Amitamayaya Namah।
478 ॐ मायातीताय नमः। Om Mayatitaya Namah।
479 ॐ विमत्सराय नमः। Om Vimatsaraya Namah।
480 ॐ मायाभर्जितरक्षसे नमः। Om Mayabharjitarakshase Namah।
481 ॐ मायानिर्मितविष्टपाय नमः। Om Mayanirmitavishtapaya Namah।
482 ॐ मायाश्रयाय नमः। Om Mayashrayaya Namah।
483 ॐ निर्लेपाय नमः। Om Nirlepaya Namah।
484 ॐ मायानिर्वर्तकाय नमः। Om Mayanirvartakaya Namah।
485 ॐ सुखाय नमः। Om Sukhaya Namah।
486 ॐ सुखिने नमः। Om Sukhine Namah।
487 ॐ सुखप्रदाय नमः। Om Sukhapradaya Namah।
488 ॐ नागाय नमः। Om Nagaya Namah।
489 ॐ महेशकृतसंस्तवाय नमः। Om Maheshakritasamstavaya Namah।
490 ॐ महेश्वराय नमः। Om Maheshwaraya Namah।
491 ॐ सत्यसन्धाय नमः। Om Satyasandhaya Namah।
492 ॐ शरभाय नमः। Om Sharabhaya Namah।
493 ॐ कलिपावनाय नमः। Om Kalipavanaya Namah।
494 ॐ सहस्रकन्धरबलविध्वंसनविचक्षणाय नमः। Om Sahasrakandharabala-vidhvamsanavichakshanaya Namah।
495 ॐ सहस्रबाहवे नमः। Om Sahasrabahave Namah।
496 ॐ सहजाय नमः। Om Sahajaya Namah।
497 ॐ द्विबाहवे नमः। Om Dwibahave Namah।
498 ॐ द्विभुजाय नमः। Om Dwibhujaya Namah।
499 ॐ अमराय नमः। Om Amaraya Namah।
500 ॐ चतुर्भुजाय नमः। Om Chaturbhujaya Namah।
501 ॐ दशभुजाय नमः। Om Dashabhujaya Namah।
502 ॐ हयग्रीवाय नमः। Om Hayagrivaya Namah।
503 ॐ खगाननाय नमः। Om Khagananaya Namah।
504 ॐ कपिवक्त्राय नमः। Om Kapivaktraya Namah।
505 ॐ कपिपतये नमः। Om Kapipataye Namah।
506 ॐ नरसिंहाय नमः। Om Narasimhaya Namah।
507 ॐ महाद्युतये नमः। Om Mahadyutaye Namah।
508 ॐ भीषणाय नमः। Om Bhishanaya Namah।
509 ॐ भावगाय नमः। Om Bhavagaya Namah।
510 ॐ वन्द्याय नमः। Om Vandyaya Namah।
511 ॐ वराहाय नमः। Om Varahaya Namah।
512 ॐ वायुरूपधृषे नमः। Om Vayurupadhrishe Namah।
513 ॐ लक्ष्मणप्राणदात्रे नमः। Om Lakshmanapranadatre Namah।
514 ॐ पराजितदशाननाय नमः। Om Parajitadashananaya Namah।
515 ॐ पारिजातनिवासिने नमः। Om Parijatanivasine Namah।
516 ॐ वटवे नमः। Om Vatave Namah।
517 ॐ वचनकोविदाय नमः। Om Vachanakovidaya Namah।
518 ॐ सुरसास्यविनिर्मुक्ताय नमः। Om Surasasyavinirmuktaya Namah।
519 ॐ सिंहिकाप्राणहारकाय नमः। Om Simhikapranaharakaya Namah।
520 ॐ लङ्कालङ्कारविध्वंसिने नमः। Om Lankalankaravidhvamsine Namah।
521 ॐ वृषदंशकरूपधृषे नमः। Om Vrishadamshakarupadhrishe Namah।
522 ॐ रात्रिसंचारकुशलाय नमः। Om Ratrisancharakushalaya Namah।
523 ॐ रात्रिंचरगृहाग्निदाय नमः। Om Ratrimcharagrihagnidaya Namah।
524 ॐ किङ्करान्तकराय नमः। Om Kinkarantakaraya Namah।
525 ॐ जम्बुमालिहन्त्रे नमः। Om Jambumalihantre Namah।
526 ॐ उग्ररूपधृषे नमः। Om Ugrarupadhrishe Namah।
527 ॐ आकाशचारिणे नमः। Om Akashacharine Namah।
528 ॐ हरिगाय नमः। Om Harigaya Namah।
529 ॐ मेघनादरणोत्सुकाय नमः। Om Meghanadaranotsukaya Namah।
530 ॐ मेघगम्भीरनिनदाय नमः। Om Meghagambhiraninadaya Namah।
531 ॐ महारावणकुलान्तकाय नमः। Om Maharavanakulantakaya Namah।
532 ॐ कालनेमिप्राणहारिणे नमः। Om Kalanemipranaharine Namah।
533 ॐ मकरीशापमोक्षदाय नमः। Om Makarishapamokshadaya Namah।
534 ॐ रसाय नमः। Om Rasaya Namah।
535 ॐ रसज्ञाय नमः। Om Rasajnaya Namah।
536 ॐ सम्मानाय नमः। Om Sammanaya Namah।
537 ॐ रूपाय नमः। Om Rupaya Namah।
538 ॐ चक्षुषे नमः। Om Chakshushe Namah।
539 ॐ श्रुतये नमः। Om Shrutaye Namah।
540 ॐ वचसे नमः। Om Vachase Namah।
541 ॐ घ्राणाय नमः। Om Ghranaya Namah।
542 ॐ गन्धाय नमः। Om Gandhaya Namah।
543 ॐ स्पर्शनाय नमः। Om Sparshanaya Namah।
544 ॐ स्पर्शाय नमः। Om Sparshaya Namah।
545 ॐ अहङ्कारमानगाय नमः। Om Ahankaramanagaya Namah।
546 ॐ नेतिनेतीतिगम्याय नमः। Om Netinetitigamyaya Namah।
547 ॐ वैकुण्ठभजनप्रियाय नमः। Om Vaikunthabhajanapriyaya Namah।
548 ॐ गिरीशाय नमः। Om Girishaya Namah।
549 ॐ गिरिजाकान्ताय नमः। Om Girijakantaya Namah।
550 ॐ दुर्वाससे नमः। Om Durvasase Namah।
551 ॐ कवये नमः। Om Kavaye Namah।
552 ॐ अङ्गिरसे नमः। Om Angirase Namah।
553 ॐ भृगवे नमः। Om Bhrigave Namah।
554 ॐ वसिष्ठाय नमः। Om Vasishthaya Namah।
555 ॐ च्यवनाय नमः। Om Chyavanaya Namah।
556 ॐ नारदाय नमः। Om Naradaya Namah।
557 ॐ तुम्बराय नमः। Om Tumbaraya Namah।
558 ॐ अमलाय नमः। Om Amalaya Namah।
559 ॐ विश्वक्षेत्राय नमः। Om Vishvakshetraya Namah।
560 ॐ विश्वबीजाय नमः। Om Vishvabijaya Namah।
561 ॐ विश्वनेत्राय नमः। Om Vishvanetraya Namah।
562 ॐ विश्वपाय नमः। Om Vishvapaya Namah।
563 ॐ याजकाय नमः। Om Yajakaya Namah।
564 ॐ यजमानाय नमः। Om Yajamanaya Namah।
565 ॐ पावकाय नमः। Om Pavakaya Namah।
566 ॐ पितृभ्यो नमः। Om Pitribhyo Namah।
567 ॐ श्रद्धायै नमः। Om Shraddhayai Namah।
568 ॐ बुद्धयै नमः। Om Buddhayai Namah।
569 ॐ क्षमायै नमः। Om Kshamayai Namah।
570 ॐ तन्द्रायै नमः। Om Tandrayai Namah।
571 ॐ मन्त्राय नमः। Om Mantraya Namah।
572 ॐ मन्त्रयित्रे नमः। Om Mantrayitre Namah।
573 ॐ स्वराय नमः। Om Svaraya Namah।
574 ॐ राजेन्द्राय नमः। Om Rajendraya Namah।
575 ॐ भूपतये नमः। Om Bhupataye Namah।
576 ॐ रुण्डमालिने नमः। Om Rundamaline Namah।
577 ॐ संसारसारथये नमः। Om Samsarasarathaye Namah।
578 ॐ नित्यसम्पूर्णकामाय नमः। Om Nityasampurnakamaya Namah।
579 ॐ भक्तकामदुहे नमः। Om Bhaktakamaduhe Namah।
580 ॐ उत्तमाय नमः। Om Uttamaya Namah।
581 ॐ गणपाय नमः। Om Ganapaya Namah।
582 ॐ केशवाय नमः। Om Keshavaya Namah।
583 ॐ भ्रात्रे नमः। Om Bhratre Namah।
584 ॐ पित्रे नमः। Om Pitre Namah।
585 ॐ मात्रे नमः। Om Matre Namah।
586 ॐ मारुतये नमः। Om Marutaye Namah।
587 ॐ सहस्रमूर्ध्ने नमः। Om Sahasramurdhne Namah।
588 ॐ अनेकास्याय नमः। Om Anekasyaya Namah।
589 ॐ सहस्राक्षाय नमः। Om Sahasrakshaya Namah।
590 ॐ सहस्रपादे नमः। Om Sahastrapade Namah।
591 ॐ कामजिते नमः। Om Kamajite Namah।
592 ॐ कामदहनाय नमः। Om Kamadahanaya Namah।
593 ॐ कामाय नमः। Om Kamaya Namah।
594 ॐ कामफलप्रदाय नमः। Om Kamaphalapradaya Namah।
595 ॐ मुद्रापहारिणे नमः। Om Mudrapaharine Namah।
596 ॐ रक्षोघ्नाय नमः। Om Rakshoghnaya Namah।
597 ॐ क्षितिभारहराय नमः। Om Kshitibharaharaya Namah।
598 ॐ बलाय नमः। Om Balaya Namah।
599 ॐ नखदंष्ट्रायुधाय नमः। Om Nakhadamshtrayudhaya Namah।
600 ॐ विष्णवे नमः। Om Vishnave Namah।
601 ॐ भक्ताभयवरप्रदाय नमः। Om Bhaktabhayavarapradaya Namah।
602 ॐ दर्पघ्ने नमः। Om Darpaghne Namah।
603 ॐ दर्पदाय नमः। Om Darpadaya Namah।
604 ॐ दंष्ट्राशतमूर्तये नमः। Om Damshtrashatamurtaye Namah।
605 ॐ अमूर्तिमते नमः। Om Amurtimate Namah।
606 ॐ महानिधये नमः। Om Mahanidhaye Namah।
607 ॐ महाभागाय नमः। Om Mahabhagaya Namah।
608 ॐ महाभर्गाय नमः। Om Mahabhargaya Namah।
609 ॐ महार्द्धिदाय नमः। Om Maharddhidaya Namah।
610 ॐ महाकाराय नमः। Om Mahakaraya Namah।
611 ॐ महायोगिने नमः। Om Mahayogine Namah।
612 ॐ महातेजसे नमः। Om Mahatejase Namah।
613 ॐ महाद्युतये नमः। Om Mahadyutaye Namah।
614 ॐ महासनाय नमः। Om Mahasanaya Namah।
615 ॐ महानादाय नमः। Om Mahanadaya Namah।
616 ॐ महामन्त्राय नमः। Om Mahamantraya Namah।
617 ॐ महामतये नमः। Om Mahamataye Namah।
618 ॐ महागमाय नमः। Om Mahagamaya Namah।
619 ॐ महोदाराय नमः। Om Mahodaraya Namah।
620 ॐ महादेवात्मकाय नमः। Om Mahadevatmakaya Namah।
621 ॐ विभवे नमः। Om Vibhave Namah।
622 ॐ रौद्रकर्मणे नमः। Om Raudrakarmane Namah।
623 ॐ क्रूरकर्मणे नमः। Om Krurakarmane Namah।
624 ॐ रत्नाभाय नमः। Om Ratnabhaya Namah।
625 ॐ कृतागमाय नमः। Om Kritagamaya Namah।
626 ॐ अम्भोधिलङ्घनाय नमः। Om Ambhodhilanghanaya Namah।
627 ॐ सिंहाय नमः। Om Simhaya Namah।
628 ॐ सत्यधर्मप्रमोदनाय नमः। Om Satyadharmapramodanaya Namah।
629 ॐ जितामित्राय नमः। Om Jitamitraya Namah।
630 ॐ जयाय नमः। Om Jayaya Namah।
631 ॐ सोमाय नमः। Om Somaya Namah।
632 ॐ विजयाय नमः। Om Vijayaya Namah।
633 ॐ वायुनन्दनाय नमः। Om Vayunandanaya Namah।
634 ॐ जीवदात्रे नमः। Om Jivadatre Namah।
635 ॐ सहस्रांशवे नमः। Om Sahasramshave Namah।
636 ॐ मुकुन्दाय नमः। Om Mukundaya Namah।
637 ॐ भूरिदक्षिणाय नमः। Om Bhuridakshinaya Namah।
638 ॐ सिद्धार्थाय नमः। Om Siddharthaya Namah।
639 ॐ सिद्धिदाय नमः। Om Siddhidaya Namah।
640 ॐ सिद्धसङ्कल्पाय नमः। Om Siddhasankalpaya Namah।
641 ॐ सिद्धिहेतुकाय नमः। Om Siddhihetukaya Namah।
642 ॐ सप्तपातालचरणाय नमः। Om Saptapatalacharanaya Namah।
643 ॐ सप्तर्षिगणवन्दिताय नमः। Om Saptarshiganavanditaya Namah।
644 ॐ सप्ताब्धिलङ्घनाय नमः। Om Saptabdhilanghanaya Namah।
645 ॐ वीराय नमः। Om Viraya Namah।
646 ॐ सप्तद्वीपोरुमण्डलाय नमः। Om Saptadwiporumandalaya Namah।
647 ॐ सप्ताङ्गराज्यसुखदाय नमः। Om Saptangarajyasukhadaya Namah।
648 ॐ सप्तमातृनिषेविताय नमः। Om Saptamatrinishevitaya Namah।
649 ॐ सप्तस्वर्लोकमुकुटाय नमः। Om Saptasvarlokamukutaya Namah।
650 ॐ सप्तहोत्रे नमः। Om Saptahotre Namah।
651 ॐ स्वाराश्रयाय नमः। Om Svarashrayaya Namah।
652 ॐ सप्तच्छन्दोनिधये नमः। Om Saptachchhandonidhaye Namah।
653 ॐ सप्तच्छन्दसे नमः। Om Saptachchhandase Namah।
654 ॐ सप्तजनाश्रयाय नमः। Om Saptajanashrayaya Namah।
655 ॐ सप्तसामोपगीताय नमः। Om Saptasamopagitaya Namah।
656 ॐ सप्तपातालसंश्रयाय नमः। Om Saptapatalasamshrayaya Namah।
657 ॐ मेधादाय नमः। Om Medhadaya Namah।
658 ॐ कीर्तिदाय नमः। Om Kirtidaya Namah।
659 ॐ शोकहारिणे नमः। Om Shokaharine Namah।
660 ॐ दौर्भाग्यनाशनाय नमः। Om Daurbhagyanashanaya Namah।
661 ॐ सर्वरक्षाकराय नमः। Om Sarvarakshakaraya Namah।
662 ॐ गर्भदोषघ्ने नमः। Om Garbhadoshaghne Namah।
663 ॐ पुत्रपौत्रदाय नमः। Om Putrapautradaya Namah।
664 ॐ प्रतिवादिमुखस्तम्भाय नमः। Om Prativadimukhastambhaya Namah।
665 ॐ रुष्टचित्तप्रसादनाय नमः। Om Rushtachittaprasadanaya Namah।
666 ॐ पराभिचारशमनाय नमः। Om Parabhicharashamanaya Namah।
667 ॐ दुःखघ्ने नमः। Om Dukhaghne Namah।
668 ॐ बन्धमोक्षदाय नमः। Om Bandhamokshadaya Namah।
669 ॐ नवद्वारपुराधाराय नमः। Om Navadvarapuradharaya Namah।
670 ॐ नवद्वारनिकेतनाय नमः। Om Navadvaraniketanaya Namah।
671 ॐ नरनारायणस्तुत्याय नमः। Om Naranarayanastutyaya Namah।
672 ॐ नवनाथमहेश्वराय नमः। Om Navanathamaheshwaraya Namah।
673 ॐ मेखलिने नमः। Om Mekhaline Namah।
674 ॐ कवचिने नमः। Om Kavachine Namah।
675 ॐ खड्गिने नमः। Om Khadgine Namah।
676 ॐ भ्राजिष्णवे नमः। Om Bhrajishnave Namah।
677 ॐ जिष्णुसारथये नमः। Om Jishnusarathaye Namah।
678 ॐ बहुयोजनविस्तीर्णपुच्छाय नमः। Om Bahuyojanavistirnapuchchhaya Namah।
679 ॐ पुच्छहतासुराय नमः। Om Puchchhahatasuraya Namah।
680 ॐ दुष्टग्रहनिहन्त्रे नमः। Om Dushtagrahanihantre Namah।
681 ॐ पिशाचग्रहघातकाय नमः। Om Pishachagrahaghatakaya Namah।
682 ॐ बालग्रहविनाशिने नमः। Om Balagrahavinashine Namah।
683 ॐ धर्मनेत्रे नमः। Om Dharmanetre Namah।
684 ॐ कृपाकराय नमः। Om Kripakaraya Namah।
685 ॐ उग्रकृत्याय नमः। Om Ugrakrityaya Namah।
686 ॐ उग्रवेगाय नमः। Om Ugravegaya Namah।
687 ॐ उग्रनेत्राय नमः। Om Ugranetraya Namah।
688 ॐ शतक्रतवे नमः। Om Shatakratave Namah।
689 ॐ शतमन्युनुताय नमः। Om Shatamanyunutaya Namah।
690 ॐ स्तुत्याय नमः। Om Stutyaya Namah।
691 ॐ स्तुतये नमः। Om Stutaye Namah।
692 ॐ स्तोत्रे नमः। Om Stotre Namah।
693 ॐ महाबलाय नमः। Om Mahabalaya Namah।
694 ॐ समग्रगुणशालिने नमः। Om Samagragunashaline Namah।
695 ॐ व्यग्राय नमः। Om Vyagraya Namah।
696 ॐ रक्षोविनाशकाय नमः। Om Rakshovinashakaya Namah।
697 ॐ रक्षोऽग्निदाहाय नमः। Om Rakshoagnidahaya Namah।
698 ॐ ब्रह्मेशाय नमः। Om Brahmeshaya Namah।
699 ॐ श्रीधराय नमः। Om Shridharaya Namah।
700 ॐ भक्तवत्सलाय नमः। Om Bhaktavatsalaya Namah।
701 ॐ मेघनादाय नमः। Om Meghanadaya Namah।
702 ॐ मेघरूपाय नमः। Om Megharupaya Namah।
703 ॐ मेघवृष्टिनिवारकाय नमः। Om Meghavrishtinivarakaya Namah।
704 ॐ मेघजीवनहेतवे नमः। Om Meghajivanahetave Namah।
705 ॐ मेघश्यामाय नमः। Om Meghashyamaya Namah।
706 ॐ परात्मकाय नमः। Om Paratmakaya Namah।
707 ॐ समीरतनयाय नमः। Om Samiratanayaya Namah।
708 ॐ योद्ध्रे नमः। Om Yoddhre Namah।
709 ॐ नृत्यविद्याविशारदाय नमः। Om Nrityavidyavisharadaya Namah।
710 ॐ अमोघाय नमः। Om Amoghaya Namah।
711 ॐ अमोघदृष्टये नमः। Om Amoghadrishtaye Namah।
712 ॐ इष्टदाय नमः। Om Ishtadaya Namah।
713 ॐ अरिष्टनाशनाय नमः। Om Arishtanashanaya Namah।
714 ॐ अर्थाय नमः। Om Arthaya Namah।
715 ॐ अनर्थापहारिणे नमः। Om Anarthapaharine Namah।
716 ॐ समर्थाय नमः। Om Samarthaya Namah।
717 ॐ रामसेवकाय नमः। Om Ramasevakaya Namah।
718 ॐ अर्थिवन्द्याय नमः। Om Arthivandyaya Namah।
719 ॐ असुरारातये नमः। Om Asurarataye Namah।
720 ॐ पुण्डरीकाक्षाय नमः। Om Pundarikakshaya Namah।
721 ॐ आत्मभुवे नमः। Om Atmabhuve Namah।
722 ॐ सङ्कर्षणाय नमः। Om Sankarshanaya Namah।
723 ॐ विशुद्धात्मने नमः। Om Vishuddhatmane Namah।
724 ॐ विद्याराशये नमः। Om Vidyarashaye Namah।
725 ॐ सुरेश्वराय नमः। Om Sureshwaraya Namah।
726 ॐ अचलोद्धारकाय नमः। Om Achaloddharakaya Namah।
727 ॐ नित्याय नमः। Om Nityaya Namah।
728 ॐ सेतुकृते नमः। Om Setukrite Namah।
729 ॐ रामसारथये नमः। Om Ramasarathaye Namah।
730 ॐ आनन्दाय नमः। Om Anandaya Namah।
731 ॐ परमानन्दाय नमः। Om Paramanandaya Namah।
732 ॐ मत्स्याय नमः। Om Matsyaya Namah।
733 ॐ कूर्माय नमः। Om Kurmaya Namah।
734 ॐ निराश्रयाय नमः। Om Nirashrayaya Namah।
735 ॐ वाराहाय नमः। Om Varahaya Namah।
736 ॐ नारसिंहाय नमः। Om Narasimhaya Namah।
737 ॐ वामनाय नमः। Om Vamanaya Namah।
738 ॐ जमदग्निजाय नमः। Om Jamadagnijaya Namah।
739 ॐ रामाय नमः। Om Ramaya Namah।
740 ॐ कृष्णाय नमः। Om Krishnaya Namah।
741 ॐ शिवाय नमः। Om Shivaya Namah।
742 ॐ बुद्धाय नमः। Om Buddhaya Namah।
743 ॐ कल्किने नमः। Om Kalkine Namah।
744 ॐ रामाश्रयाय नमः। Om Ramashrayaya Namah।
745 ॐ हरये नमः। Om Haraye Namah।
746 ॐ नन्दिने नमः। Om Nandine Namah।
747 ॐ भृङ्गिणे नमः। Om Bhringine Namah।
748 ॐ चण्डिने नमः। Om Chandine Namah।
749 ॐ गणेशाय नमः। Om Ganeshaya Namah।
750 ॐ गणसेविताय नमः। Om Ganasevitaya Namah।
751 ॐ कर्माध्यक्षाय नमः। Om Karmadhyakshaya Namah।
752 ॐ सुराध्यक्षाय नमः। Om Suradhyakshaya Namah।
753 ॐ विश्रामाय नमः। Om Vishramaya Namah।
754 ॐ जगतीपतये नमः। Om Jagatipataye Namah।
755 ॐ जगन्नाथाय नमः। Om Jagannathaya Namah।
756 ॐ कपीशाय नमः। Om Kapishaya Namah।
757 ॐ सर्वावासाय नमः। Om Sarvavasaya Namah।
758 ॐ सदाश्रयाय नमः। Om Sadashrayaya Namah।
759 ॐ सुग्रीवादिस्तुताय नमः। Om Sugrivadistutaya Namah।
760 ॐ दान्ताय नमः। Om Dantaya Namah।
761 ॐ सर्वकर्मणे नमः। Om Sarvakarmane Namah।
762 ॐ प्लवङ्गमाय नमः। Om Plavangamaya Namah।
763 ॐ नखदारितरक्षसे नमः। Om Nakhadaritarakshase Namah।
764 ॐ नखयुद्धविशारदाय नमः। Om Nakhayuddhavisharadaya Namah।
765 ॐ कुशलाय नमः। Om Kushalaya Namah।
766 ॐ सुधनाय नमः। Om Sudhanaya Namah।
767 ॐ शेषाय नमः। Om Sheshaya Namah।
768 ॐ वासुकये नमः। Om Vasukaye Namah।
769 ॐ तक्षकाय नमः। Om Takshakaya Namah।
770 ॐ स्वर्णवर्णाय नमः। Om Swarnavarnaya Namah।
771 ॐ बलाढ्याय नमः। Om Baladhyaya Namah।
772 ॐ पुरुजेत्रे नमः। Om Purujetre Namah।
773 ॐ अघनाशनाय नमः। Om Aghanashanaya Namah।
774 ॐ कैवल्यरूपाय नमः। Om Kaivalyarupaya Namah।
775 ॐ कैवल्याय नमः। Om Kaivalyaya Namah।
776 ॐ गरुडाय नमः। Om Garudaya Namah।
777 ॐ पन्नगोरगाय नमः। Om Pannagoragaya Namah।
778 ॐ किल्किल् रावहतारातये नमः। Om Kilkil Ravahatarataye Namah।
779 ॐ गर्वपर्वतभेदनाय नमः। Om Garvaparvatabhedanaya Namah।
780 ॐ वज्राङ्गाय नमः। Om Vajrangaya Namah।
781 ॐ वज्रदंष्ट्राय नमः। Om Vajradamshtraya Namah।
782 ॐ भक्तवज्रनिवारकाय नमः। Om Bhaktavajranivarakaya Namah।
783 ॐ नखायुधाय नमः। Om Nakhayudhaya Namah।
784 ॐ मणिग्रीवाय नमः। Om Manigrivaya Namah।
785 ॐ ज्वालामालिने नमः। Om Jwalamaline Namah।
786 ॐ भास्कराय नमः। Om Bhaskaraya Namah।
787 ॐ प्रौढप्रतापाय नमः। Om Praudhapratapaya Namah।
788 ॐ तपनाय नमः। Om Tapanaya Namah।
789 ॐ भक्ततापनिवारकाय नमः। Om Bhaktatapanivarakaya Namah।
790 ॐ शरणाय नमः। Om Sharanaya Namah।
791 ॐ जीवनाय नमः। Om Jivanaya Namah।
792 ॐ भोक्त्रे नमः। Om Bhoktre Namah।
793 ॐ नानाचेष्टाय नमः। Om Nanacheshtaya Namah।
794 ॐ अचञ्चलाय नमः। Om Achanchalaya Namah।
795 ॐ स्वस्तिमते नमः। Om Swastimate Namah।
796 ॐ स्वास्तिदाय नमः। Om Swastidaya Namah।
797 ॐ दुःखशातनाय नमः। Om Dukhashatanaya Namah।
798 ॐ पवनात्मजाय नमः। Om Pavanatmajaya Namah।
799 ॐ पावनाय नमः। Om Pavanaya Namah।
800 ॐ पवनाय नमः। Om Pavanaya Namah।
801 ॐ कान्ताय नमः। Om Kantaya Namah।
802 ॐ भक्तागःसहनाय नमः। Om Bhaktagahsahanaya Namah।
803 ॐ बलिने नमः। Om Baline Namah।
804 ॐ मेघनादरिपवे नमः। Om Meghanadaripave Namah।
805 ॐ मेघनादसंहतराक्षसाय नमः। Om Meghanadasamhatarakshasaya Namah।
806 ॐ क्षराय नमः। Om Ksharaya Namah।
807 ॐ अक्षराय नमः। Om Aksharaya Namah।
808 ॐ विनीतात्मने नमः। Om Vinitatmane Namah।
809 ॐ वानरेशाय नमः। Om Vanareshaya Namah।
810 ॐ सताङ्गतये नमः। Om Satangataye Namah।
811 ॐ श्रीकण्ठाय नमः। Om Shrikanthaya Namah।
812 ॐ शितिकण्ठाय नमः। Om Shitikanthaya Namah।
813 ॐ सहायाय नमः। Om Sahayaya Namah।
814 ॐ सहनायकाय नमः। Om Sahanayakaya Namah।
815 ॐ अस्थूलाय नमः। Om Asthulaya Namah।
816 ॐ अनणवे नमः। Om Ananave Namah।
817 ॐ भर्गाय नमः। Om Bhargaya Namah।
818 ॐ दिव्याय नमः। Om Divyaya Namah।
819 ॐ संसृतिनाशनाय नमः। Om Samsritinashanaya Namah।
820 ॐ अध्यात्मविद्यासाराय नमः। Om Adhyatmavidyasaraya Namah।
821 ॐ अध्यात्मकुशलाय नमः। Om Adhyatmakushalaya Namah।
822 ॐ सुधिये नमः। Om Sudhiye Namah।
823 ॐ अकल्मषाय नमः। Om Akalamashaya Namah।
824 ॐ सत्यहेतवे नमः। Om Satyahetave Namah।
825 ॐ सत्यदाय नमः। Om Satyadaya Namah।
826 ॐ सत्यगोचराय नमः। Om Satyagocharaya Namah।
827 ॐ सत्यगर्भाय नमः। Om Satyagarbhaya Namah।
828 ॐ सत्यरूपाय नमः। Om Satyarupaya Namah।
829 ॐ सत्याय नमः। Om Satyaya Namah।
830 ॐ सत्यपराक्रमाय नमः। Om Satyaparakramaya Namah।
831 ॐ अञ्जनाप्राणलिङ्गाय नमः। Om Anjanapranalingaya Namah।
832 ॐ वायुवंशोद्भवाय नमः। Om Vayuvanshodbhavaya Namah।
833 ॐ शुभाय नमः। Om Shubhaya Namah।
834 ॐ भद्ररूपाय नमः। Om Bhadrarupaya Namah।
835 ॐ रुद्ररूपाय नमः। Om Rudrarupaya Namah।
836 ॐ सुरूपाय नमः। Om Surupaya Namah।
837 ॐ चित्ररूपधृषे नमः। Om Chitrarupadhrishe Namah।
838 ॐ मैनाकवन्दिताय नमः। Om Mainakavanditaya Namah।
839 ॐ सूक्ष्मदर्शनाय नमः। Om Sukshmadarshanaya Namah।
840 ॐ विजयाय नमः। Om Vijayaya Namah।
841 ॐ जयाय नमः। Om Jayaya Namah।
842 ॐ क्रान्तदिङ्मण्डलाय नमः। Om Krantadinmandalaya Namah।
843 ॐ रुद्राय नमः। Om Rudraya Namah।
844 ॐ प्रकटीकृतविक्रमाय नमः। Om Prakatikritavikramaya Namah।
845 ॐ कम्बुकण्ठाय नमः। Om Kambukanthaya Namah।
846 ॐ प्रसन्नात्मने नमः। Om Prasannatmane Namah।
847 ॐ ह्र​स्वनासाय नमः। Om Hrasvanasaya Namah।
848 ॐ वृकोदराय नमः। Om Vrikodaraya Namah।
849 ॐ लम्बौष्ठाय नमः। Om Lambaushthaya Namah।
850 ॐ कुण्डलिने नमः। Om Kundaline Namah।
851 ॐ चित्रमालिने नमः। Om Chitramaline Namah।
852 ॐ योगविदां वराय नमः। Om Yogavidam Varaya Namah।
853 ॐ विपश्चिते नमः। Om Vipashchite Namah।
854 ॐ कवये नमः। Om Kavaye Namah।
855 ॐ आनन्दविग्रहाय नमः। Om Anandavigrahaya Namah।
856 ॐ अनल्पशासनाय नमः। Om Analpashasanaya Namah।
857 ॐ फाल्गुनीसूनवे नमः। Om Phalgunisunave Namah।
858 ॐ अव्यग्राय नमः। Om Avyagraya Namah।
859 ॐ योगात्मने नमः। Om Yogatmane Namah।
860 ॐ योगतत्पराय नमः। Om Yogatatparaya Namah।
861 ॐ योगविदे नमः। Om Yogavide Namah।
862 ॐ योगकर्त्रे नमः। Om Yogakartre Namah।
863 ॐ योगयोनये नमः। Om Yogayonaye Namah।
864 ॐ दिगम्बराय नमः। Om Digambaraya Namah।
865 ॐ अकारादिहकारान्तवर्णनिर्मितविग्रहाय नमः। Om Akaradihakarantavarnanirmitavigrahaya Namah।
866 ॐ उलूखलमुखाय नमः। Om Ulukhalamukhaya Namah।
867 ॐ सिद्धसंस्तुताय नमः। Om Siddhasamstutaya Namah।
868 ॐ प्रमथेश्वराय नमः। Om Pramatheshwaraya Namah।
869 ॐ श्लिष्टजङ्घाय नमः। Om Shlishtajanghaya Namah।
870 ॐ श्लिष्टजानवे नमः। Om Shlishtajanave Namah।
871 ॐ श्लिष्टपाणये नमः। Om Shlishtapanaye Namah।
872 ॐ शिखाधराय नमः। Om Shikhadharaya Namah।
873 ॐ सुशर्मणे नमः। Om Susharmane Namah।
874 ॐ अमितशर्मणे नमः। Om Amitasharmane Namah।
875 ॐ नारायणपरायणाय नमः। Om Narayanaparayanaya Namah।
876 ॐ जिष्णवे नमः। Om Jishnave Namah।
877 ॐ भविष्णवे नमः। Om Bhavishnave Namah।
878 ॐ रोचिष्णवे नमः। Om Rochishnave Namah।
879 ॐ ग्रसिष्णवे नमः। Om Grasishnave Namah।
880 ॐ स्थाणवे नमः। Om Sthanave Namah।
881 ॐ हरिरुद्रानुसेकाय नमः। Om Harirudranusekaya Namah।
882 ॐ कम्पनाय नमः। Om Kampanaya Namah।
883 ॐ भूमिकम्पनाय नमः। Om Bhumikampanaya Namah।
884 ॐ गुणप्रवाहाय नमः। Om Gunapravahaya Namah।
885 ॐ सूत्रात्मने नमः। Om Sutratmane Namah।
886 ॐ वीतरागस्तुतिप्रियाय नमः। Om Vitaragastutipriyaya Namah।
887 ॐ नागकन्याभयध्वंसिने नमः। Om Nagakanyabhayadhvamsine Namah।
888 ॐ रुक्मवर्णाय नमः। Om Rukmavarnaya Namah।
889 ॐ कपालभृते नमः। Om Kapalabhrite Namah।
890 ॐ अनाकुलाय नमः। Om Anakulaya Namah।
891 ॐ भवोपायाय नमः। Om Bhavopayaya Namah।
892 ॐ अनपायाय नमः। Om Anapayaya Namah।
893 ॐ वेदपारगाय नमः। Om Vedaparagaya Namah।
894 ॐ अक्षराय नमः। Om Aksharaya Namah।
895 ॐ पुरुषाय नमः। Om Purushaya Namah।
896 ॐ लोकनाथाय नमः। Om Lokanathaya Namah।
897 ॐ ऋक्षःप्रभवे नमः। Om Rikshahprabhave Namah।
898 ॐ दृढाय नमः। Om Dridhaya Namah।
899 ॐ अष्टाङ्गयोग फलभुजे नमः। Om Ashtangayoga Phalabhuje Namah।
900 ॐ सत्यसन्धाय नमः। Om Satyasandhaya Namah।
901 ॐ पुरुष्टुताय नमः। Om Purushtutaya Namah।
902 ॐ श्मशानस्थाननिलयाय नमः। Om Shmashanasthananilayaya Namah।
903 ॐ प्रेतविद्रावणक्षमाय नमः। Om Pretavidravanakshamaya Namah।
904 ॐ पञ्चाक्षरपराय नमः। Om Panchaksharaparaya Namah।
905 ॐ पञ्चमातृकाय नमः। Om Panchamatrikaya Namah।
906 ॐ रञ्जनध़्वजाय नमः। Om Ranjanadhwajaya Namah।
907 ॐ योगिनीवृन्दवन्द्यश्रियै नमः। Om Yoginivrindavandyashriyai Namah।
908 ॐ शत्रुघ्नाय नमः। Om Shatrughnaya Namah।
909 ॐ अनन्तविक्रमाय नमः। Om Anantavikramaya Namah।
910 ॐ ब्रह्मचारिणे नमः। Om Brahmacharine Namah।
911 ॐ इन्द्रियरिपवे नमः। Om Indriyaripave Namah।
912 ॐ धृतदण्डाय नमः। Om Dhritadandaya Namah।
913 ॐ दशात्मकाय नमः। Om Dashatmakaya Namah।
914 ॐ अप्रपञ्चाय नमः। Om Aprapanchaya Namah।
915 ॐ सदाचाराय नमः। Om Sadacharaya Namah।
916 ॐ शूरसेनाविदारकाय नमः। Om Shurasenavidarakaya Namah।
917 ॐ वृद्धाय नमः। Om Vriddhaya Namah।
918 ॐ प्रमोदाय नमः। Om Pramodaya Namah।
919 ॐ आनन्दाय नमः। Om Anandaya Namah।
920 ॐ सप्तद्वीपपतिन्धराय नमः। Om Saptadwipapatindharaya Namah।
921 ॐ नवद्वारपुराधाराय नमः। Om Navadwarapuradharaya Namah।
922 ॐ प्रत्यग्राय नमः। Om Pratyagraya Namah।
923 ॐ सामगायकाय नमः। Om Samagayakaya Namah।
924 ॐ षट्चक्रधान्मे नमः। Om Shatchakradhanme Namah।
925 ॐ स्वर्लोकाभयकृते नमः। Om Swarlokabhayakrite Namah।
926 ॐ मानदाय नमः। Om Manadaya Namah।
927 ॐ मदाय नमः। Om Madaya Namah।
928 ॐ सर्ववश्यकराय नमः। Om Sarvavashyakaraya Namah।
929 ॐ शक्तये नमः। Om Shaktaye Namah।
930 ॐ अनन्ताय नमः। Om Anantaya Namah।
931 ॐ अनन्तमङ्गलाय नमः। Om Anantamangalaya Namah।
932 ॐ अष्टमूर्तये नमः। Om Ashtamurtaye Namah।
933 ॐ नयोपेताय नमः। Om Nayopetaya Namah।
934 ॐ विरूपाय नमः। Om Virupaya Namah।
935 ॐ सुरसुन्दराय नमः। Om Susundaraya Namah।
936 ॐ धूमकेतवे नमः। Om Dhumaketave Namah।
937 ॐ महाकेतवे नमः। Om Mahaketave Namah।
938 ॐ सत्यकेतवे नमः। Om Satyaketave Namah।
939 ॐ महारथाय नमः। Om Maharathaya Namah।
940 ॐ नन्दिप्रियाय नमः। Om Nandipriyaya Namah।
941 ॐ स्वतन्त्राय नमः। Om Swatantraya Namah।
942 ॐ मेखलिने नमः। Om Mekhaline Namah।
943 ॐ डमरुप्रियाय नमः। Om Damarupriyaya Namah।
944 ॐ लौहाङ्गाय नमः। Om Lauhangaya Namah।
945 ॐ सर्वविदे नमः। Om Sarvavide Namah।
946 ॐ धन्विने नमः। Om Dhanvine Namah।
947 ॐ खण्डलाय नमः। Om Khandalaya Namah।
948 ॐ शर्वाय नमः। Om Sharvaya Namah।
949 ॐ ईश्वराय नमः। Om Ishwaraya Namah।
950 ॐ फलभुजे नमः। Om Phalabhuje Namah।
951 ॐ फलहस्ताय नमः। Om Phalahastaya Namah।
952 ॐ सर्वकर्मफलप्रदाय नमः। Om Sarvakarmaphalapradaya Namah।
953 ॐ धर्माध्यक्षाय नमः। Om Dharmadhyakshaya Namah।
954 ॐ धर्मपालाय नमः। Om Dharmapalaya Namah।
955 ॐ धर्माय नमः। Om Dharmaya Namah।
956 ॐ धर्मप्रदाय नमः। Om Dharmapradaya Namah।
957 ॐ अर्थदाय नमः। Om Arthadaya Namah।
958 ॐ पञ्चविंशतितत्त्वज्ञाय नमः। Om Panchavimshatitattvajnaya Namah।
959 ॐ तारकाय नमः। Om Tarakaya Namah।
960 ॐ ब्रह्मतत्पराय नमः। Om Brahmatatparaya Namah।
961 ॐ त्रिमार्गवसतये नमः। Om Trimargavasataye Namah।
962 ॐ भीमाय नमः। Om Bhimaya Namah।
963 ॐ सर्वदुःखनिबर्हणाय नमः। Om Sarvadukhanibarhanaya Namah।
964 ॐ ऊर्जस्वते नमः। Om Urjaswate Namah।
965 ॐ निष्कलाय नमः। Om Nishkalaya Namah।
966 ॐ शूलिने नमः। Om Shuline Namah।
967 ॐ मौलिने नमः। Om Mauline Namah।
968 ॐ गर्जन्निशाचराय नमः। Om Garjannishacharaya Namah।
969 ॐ रक्ताम्बरधराय नमः। Om Raktambaradharaya Namah।
970 ॐ रक्ताय नमः। Om Raktaya Namah।
971 ॐ रक्तमाल्याय नमः। Om Raktamalyaya Namah।
972 ॐ विभूषणाय नमः। Om Vibhushanaya Namah।
973 ॐ वनमालिने नमः। Om Vanamaline Namah।
974 ॐ शुभाङ्गाय नमः। Om Shubhangaya Namah।
975 ॐ श्वेताय नमः। Om Shwetaya Namah।
976 ॐ श्वेताम्बराय नमः। Om Shwetambaraya Namah।
977 ॐ यूने नमः। Om Yune Namah।
978 ॐ जयाय नमः। Om Jayaya Namah।
979 ॐ अजयपरीवाराय नमः। Om Ajayapariwaraya Namah।
980 ॐ सहस्रवदनाय नमः। Om Sahasravadanaya Namah।
981 ॐ कपये नमः। Om Kapaye Namah।
982 ॐ शाकिनीडाकिनीयक्षरक्षोभूतप्रभञ्जकाय नमः। Om Shakinidakiniyaksharakshobhutaprabhanjakaya Namah।
983 ॐ सद्योजाताय नमः। Om Sadyojataya Namah।
984 ॐ कामगतये नमः। Om Kamagataye Namah।
985 ॐ ज्ञानमूर्तये नमः। Om Jnanamurtaye Namah।
986 ॐ यशस्कराय नमः। Om Yashaskaraya Namah।
987 ॐ शम्भुतेजसे नमः। Om Shambhutejase Namah।
988 ॐ सार्वभौमाय नमः। Om Sarvabhaumaya Namah।
989 ॐ विष्णुभक्ताय नमः। Om Vishnubhaktaya Namah।
990 ॐ प्लवङ्गमाय नमः। Om Plavangamaya Namah।
991 ॐ चतुर्नवतिमन्त्रज्ञाय नमः। Om Chaturnavatimantrajnaya Namah।
992 ॐ पौलस्त्यबलदर्पघ्ने नमः। Om Paulastyabaladarpaghne Namah।
993 ॐ सर्वलक्ष्मीप्रदाय नमः। Om Sarvalakshmipradaya Namah।
994 ॐ श्रीमते नमः। Om Shrimate Namah।
995 ॐ अङ्गदप्रियाय नमः। Om Angadapriyaya Namah।
996 ॐ ईडिताय नमः। Om Iditaya Namah।
997 ॐ स्मृतिबीजाय नमः। Om Smritibijaya Namah।
998 ॐ सुरेशानाय नमः। Om Sureshanaya Namah।
999 ॐ संसारभयनाशनाय नमः। Om Sansarabhayanashanaya Namah।
1000 ॐ उत्तमाय नमः। Om Uttamaya Namah।
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108 Names of Lord Shiva || Ashtottara Shatanamavali

Ashtottara Shatanamavali










1 शिव ॐ शिवाय नमः। Shiva
2 महेश्वर ॐ महेश्वराय नमः। Maheshwara
3 शंभवे ॐ शंभवे नमः। Shambhu
4 पिनाकिने ॐ पिनाकिने नमः। Pinakin
5 शशिशेखर ॐ शशिशेखराय नमः। Shashi shekhara
6 वामदेवाय ॐ वामदेवाय नमः। Vamadeva
7 विरूपाक्ष ॐ विरूपाक्षाय नमः। Virupaksha
8 कपर्दी ॐ कपर्दिने नमः। Kapardi
9 नीललोहित ॐ नीललोहिताय नमः। Nilalohita
10 शंकर ॐ शंकराय नमः। Shankara
11 शूलपाणी ॐ शूलपाणये नमः। Shulapani
12 खटवांगी ॐ खट्वांगिने नमः। Khatvangi
13 विष्णुवल्लभ ॐ विष्णुवल्लभाय नमः। Vishnuvallabha
14 शिपिविष्ट ॐ शिपिविष्टाय नमः। Shipivishta
15 अंबिकानाथ ॐ अंबिकानाथाय नमः। Ambikanatha
16 श्रीकण्ठ ॐ श्रीकण्ठाय नमः। Shrikantha
17 भक्तवत्सल ॐ भक्तवत्सलाय नमः। Bhaktavatsala
18 भव ॐ भवाय नमः। Bhava
19 शर्व ॐ शर्वाय नमः। Sharva
20 त्रिलोकेश ॐ त्रिलोकेशाय नमः। Trilokesha
21 शितिकण्ठ ॐ शितिकण्ठाय नमः। Shitikantha
22 शिवाप्रिय ॐ शिवा प्रियाय नमः। Shivapriya
23 उग्र ॐ उग्राय नमः। Ugra
24 कपाली ॐ कपालिने नमः। Kapali
25 कामारी ॐ कामारये नमः। Kamari
26 अंधकारसुर सूदन ॐ अन्धकासुरसृदनाय नमः। Andhakasura Sudana
27 गंगाधर ॐ गंगाधराय नमः। Gangadhara
28 ललाटाक्ष ॐ ललाटाक्षाय नमः। Lalataksha
29 कालकाल ॐ कालकालाय नमः। Kalakala
30 कृपानिधि ॐ कृपानिधये नमः। Kripanidhi
31 भीम ॐ भीमाय नमः। Bheema
32 परशुहस्त ॐ परशुहस्ताय नमः। Parshuhasta
33 मृगपाणी ॐ मृगपाणये नमः। Mrigpaani
34 जटाधर ॐ जटाधराय नमः। Jattadhar
35 कैलाशवासी ॐ कैलाशवासिने नमः। Kailashavasi
36 कवची ॐ कवचिने नमः। Kawachi
37 कठोर ॐ कठोराय नमः। Kathor
38 त्रिपुरान्तक ॐ त्रिपुरान्तकाय नमः। Tripurantak
39 वृषांक ॐ वृषांकाय नमः। Vrishanka
40 वृषभारूढ़ ॐ वृषभारूढाय नमः। Vrishbharudh
41 भस्मोद्धूलितविग्रह ॐ भस्मोद्धूलितविग्रहाय नमः। Bhasmodhulitavigrah
42 सामप्रिय ॐ सामप्रियाय नमः। Samapriya
43 स्वरमयी ॐ स्वरमयाय नमः। Swaramayi
44 त्रयीमूर्ति ॐ त्रयीमूर्तये नमः। Trayimurti
45 अनीश्वर ॐ अनीश्वराय नमः। Anishvara
46 सर्वज्ञ ॐ सर्वज्ञाय नमः। Sarvagya
47 परमात्मा ॐ परमात्मने नमः। Paramatma
48 सोमसूर्याग्निलोचन ॐ सोमसूर्याग्निलोचनाय नमः। Somasuryaagnilochana
49 हवि ॐ हविषे नमः। Havi
50 यज्ञमय ॐ यज्ञमयाय नमः। Yagyamaya
51 सोम ॐ सोमाय नमः। Soma
52 पंचवक्त्र ॐ पंचवक्त्राय नमः। Panchavaktra
53 सदाशिव ॐ सदाशिवाय नमः। Sadashiva
54 विश्वेश्वर ॐ विश्वेश्वराय नमः। Vishveshwara
55 वीरभद्र ॐ वीरभद्राय नमः। Veerabhadra
56 गणनाथ ॐ गणनाथाय नमः। Gananatha
57 प्रजापति ॐ प्रजापतये नमः। Prajapati
58 हिरण्यरेता ॐ हिरण्यरेतसे नमः। Hiranyareta
59 दुर्धर्ष ॐ दुर्धर्षाय नमः। Durdharsha
60 गिरीश ॐ गिरीशाय नमः। Girisha
61 गिरिश ॐ गिरिशाय नमः। Girisha
62 अनघ ॐ अनघाय नमः। Anagha
63 भुजंगभूषण ॐ भुजंगभूषणाय नमः। Bujangabhushana
64 भर्ग ॐ भर्गाय नमः। Bharga
65 गिरिधन्वा ॐ गिरिधन्वने नमः। Giridhanva
66 गिरिप्रिय ॐ गिरिप्रियाय नमः। Giripriya
67 कृत्तिवासा ॐ कृत्तिवाससे नमः। krittivasaa
68 पुराराति ॐ पुरारातये नमः। Purarati
69 भगवान् ॐ भगवते नमः। Bhagwaan
70 प्रमथाधिप ॐ प्रमथाधिपाय नमः। Pramathadhipa
71 मृत्युंजय ॐ मृत्युंजयाय नमः। Mrityunjaya
72 सूक्ष्मतनु ॐ सूक्ष्मतनवे नमः। Sukshamatanu
73 जगद्व्यापी ॐ जगद्व्यापिने नमः। Jagadvyapi
74 जगद्गुरू ॐ जगद्गुरुवे नमः। Jagadguru
75 व्योमकेश ॐ व्योमकेशाय नमः। Vyomakesha
76 महासेनजनक ॐ महासेनजनकाय नमः। Mahasenajanaka
77 चारुविक्रम ॐ चारुविक्रमाय नमः। Charuvikrama
78 रुद्र ॐ रुद्राय नमः। Rudra
79 भूतपति ॐ भूतपतये नमः। Bhootapati
80 स्थाणु ॐ स्थाणवे नमः। Sthanu
81 अहिर्बुध्न्य ॐ अहिर्बुध्न्याय नमः। Ahirbhudhanya
82 दिगम्बर ॐ दिगंबराय नमः। Digambara
83 अष्टमूर्ति ॐ अष्टमूर्तये नमः। Ashtamurti
84 अनेकात्मा ॐ अनेकात्मने नमः। Anekatma
85 सात्विक ॐ सात्विकाय नमः। Satvika
86 शुद्धविग्रह ॐ शुद्धविग्रहाय नमः। Shuddhavigraha
87 शाश्वत ॐ शाश्वताय नमः। Shashvata
88 खण्डपरशु ॐ खण्डपरशवे नमः। Khandaparshu
89 अज ॐ अजाय नमः। Aja
90 पाशविमोचन ॐ पाशविमोचकाय नमः। Pashvimochana
91 मृड ॐ मृडाय नमः। Mrida
92 पशुपति ॐ पशुपतये नमः। Pashupati
93 देव ॐ देवाय नमः। Deva
94 महादेव ॐ महादेवाय नमः। Mahadeva
95 अव्यय ॐ अव्ययाय नमः। Avayaya
96 हरि ॐ हरये नमः। Hari
97 भगनेत्रभिद् ॐ भगनेत्रभिदे नमः। Bhagnetrabhid
98 अव्यक्त ॐ अव्यक्ताय नमः। Avayayat
99 दक्षाध्वरहर ॐ दक्षाध्वरहराय नमः। Dakshadhwarahara
100 हर ॐ हराय नमः। Har
101 पूषदन्तभित् ॐ पूषदन्तभिदे नमः। Pushadantabhit
102 अव्यग्र ॐ अव्यग्राय नमः। Avyagra
103 सहस्राक्ष ॐ सहस्राक्षाय नमः। Sahsraksha
104 सहस्रपाद ॐ सहस्रपदे नमः। Sahasrapada
105 अपवर्गप्रद ॐ अपवर्गप्रदाय नमः। Apavargaprada
106 अनन्त ॐ अनन्ताय नमः। Ananta
107 तारक ॐ तारकाय नमः। Taraka
108 परमेश्वर ॐ परमेश्वराय नमः। Parameshwara

Ganga Mata ki Aarti 

आरती श्री गंगा जी की


ॐ जय गंगे माता, श्री जय गंगे माता
जो नर तुमको ध्याता, मनवांछित फ़ल पाता.
ॐ जय गंगा माता

चन्द्र-सी ज्योति तुम्हारी, जल निर्मल आता
शरण पड़े जो तेरी, सो नर तर जाता.
ॐ जय गंगा माता

पुत्र सगर के तारे, सब जग को ज्ञाता
कृपा दृष्टि हो तुम्हारी, त्रिभुवन सुखदाता.
ॐ जय गंगा माता

एक बार जो प्राणी, शरण तेरी आता
यम की त्रास मिटाकर, परमगति पाता.
ॐ जय गंगा माता

आरती मातु तुम्हारी, जो नर नित गाता
सेवक वही सहज में, मुक्ति को पाता.
ॐ जय गंगा माता



Ganga Mata ki Aarti in English

Om Jai Gange Mata, Shri Jai Gange Mata
Jo Nar Tumko Dhyata, Man Vanchit Phal Pata
Om Jai Gange Mata !!

Chandra Si Jot Tumhari, Jal Nirmal Aata
Sharan Pade Jo Teri, So Nar Tar Jata
Om Jai Gange Mata !!

Putra Sagar Ke Taare, Sab Jag Ko Gyata
Kripa Drishti Tumhari, Tribhuvan Sukh Data
Om Jai Gange Mata !!

Ek Baar Jo Teri, Sharanagati Aata
Yam Ki Traas Mitakar, Paramgati Pata
Om Jai Gange Mata !!

Aarti Mat Tumhari, Jo Jan Nitya Gata
Arjun Wahi Sahaj Mein, Mukti Ko Pata
Om Jai Gange Mata !!

Shree Laxmi Mata Aarti

Shree Laxmi Mata Aarti


Om Jai Lakshmi Mata, Maiya Jai Lakshmi Mata,
Tumko Nishdin Sevat, Har Vishnu Vidhata.

Om Jai Lakshmi Mata

Uma Rama Bharmani, Tum Hi Jag Mata,
Surya Chandrma Dhyavat Naard Rishee Gata.

Om Jai Lakshmi Mata

Durga Roop Niranjani, Sukh Sampati Data,
Jo Koi Tum Ko Dhayata, Riddhi Siddhi Pata.

Om Jai Lakshmi Mata

Tum Patal Nivasini, Tum Hi Shubh Data,
Karam-Prabhav-Prakashini, Bhav Nidhi Ki Trata.

Om Jai Lakshmi Mata

Jis Ghar Main Tum Rahti, Sub Sadgun Aata,
Sub Sambhav Ho Jata, Man Nahi Ghabrata.

Om Jai Lakshmi Mata

Tum Bin Yagya Na Hove, Vastra No Koi Pata,
Khan-Pana Ka Vaibhav, Sub Tumse Pata.

Om Jai Lakshmi Mata

Shubhgun Mandir Sundar, Sheerodadhi Jata,
Ratan Chaturdhsh Tum Bin, Koi Nahi Pata. Continue reading

Step-By-Step Guide to Perfectly Celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi Puja at Home

Celebrating  Ganesh Chaturthi  at home is a cherished tradition that begins with thorough cleaning and preparation of the household, symbolizing purity and readiness to welcome Lord Ganesha. The atmosphere is transformed with colorful decorations such as intricate rangolis adorning the floor and vibrant torans hanging at the entrances, creating an ambiance of festivity and spirituality. Central to the celebration is the acquisition of a clay idol or picture of Lord Ganesha, carefully placed on a clean, adorned platform or altar. Essential puja items including fresh flowers, turmeric, kumkum, incense sticks, and a variety of fruits are gathered, each item meticulously chosen for its symbolic significance in invoking the deity’s blessings.

The puja commences with the lighting of a diya (lamp) and incense sticks, filling the air with fragrant smoke and the warm glow of devotion. Devotees offer prayers and chant mantras, invoking Lord Ganesha’s presence with reverence and sincerity. Traditional offerings such as 21 blades of durva grass or tulsi leaves are presented to the deity, accompanied by the rhythmic ringing of bells and the melodious recitation of devotional songs. Modaks, believed to be Ganesha’s favorite sweet, are lovingly offered along with other sweets and coconut.
Throughout the puja, devotees recite the Ganesh Mantra, “Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha,” seeking blessings for prosperity, wisdom, and the removal of obstacles in their lives. Families and guests partake in the distribution of prasad (offered food), symbolizing the divine blessings received during the ceremony. The celebration culminates in a sense of unity and spiritual fulfillment, as participants immerse themselves in the vibrant festivities and collective devotion to Lord Ganesha, marking Ganesh Chaturthi as a time of joy, renewal, and spiritual awakening in their homes.
Celebrating Ganesh Chaturthi at Home: A Spiritual Journey

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Celebrating Ganesh Chaturthi at home can be a beautiful and spiritually fulfilling experience. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you celebrate this auspicious festival:


  1. Clean and Decorate:

    • Begin by cleaning your home thoroughly. This symbolizes purity and readiness to welcome Lord Ganesha.
    • Decorate your home with flowers, rangoli (traditional floor art), and torans (door hangings) to create a festive atmosphere.
  2. Ganesha Idol or Picture:

    • Arrange for a Ganesha idol or picture for the puja. If you have a clay idol, it’s traditional to bring it home a day before the festival.
  3. Puja Items:

    • Gather puja essentials such as flowers, turmeric, kumkum (vermilion), incense sticks, camphor, coconut, fruits, sweets (modaks are traditional), and a bell.

Step-by-Step Puja Procedure:

  1. Ganesh Avahan (Invoking Ganesha):

    • Place the idol or picture on a clean platform or altar.
    • Light the lamp (diya) and incense sticks.
    • Offer flowers, turmeric, kumkum, and rice grains to the idol while chanting:
      • Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
  2. Ganesh Puja:

    • Offer 21 (or any number you prefer) blades of durva grass or tulsi leaves to Lord Ganesha.
    • Perform aarti (circling a lit lamp in front of the deity) accompanied by ringing the bell and singing devotional songs.
    • Offer coconut, fruits, and sweets to Ganesha.
    • You can also perform a Ganesh Sahasranama (chanting 1000 names of Ganesha) or read from scriptures if you wish.
  3. Modak Offering:

    • Modaks are believed to be Lord Ganesha’s favorite sweet. Offer them to the deity along with other sweets.
  4. Prayer and Mantra:

    • Offer your prayers and seek Lord Ganesha’s blessings for prosperity, wisdom, and the removal of obstacles.
    • Chant the Ganesh Mantra:
      • Om Gan Ganapataye Namaha
  5. Visarjan (Immersion):

    • On the final day of the festival, traditionally after 1.5, 3, 5, 7, or 11 days depending on family tradition, perform a farewell ritual (visarjan) by immersing the idol in a body of water, symbolizing Ganesha’s journey back to Mount Kailash.


  • Prasad Distribution: After the puja, distribute the prasad (offerings) among family members and guests.


  • Community Celebrations: Join local community events and processions if possible, to experience the festive spirit collectively.


  • Duration: The puja can vary in length based on personal preference and traditions.
  • Devotional Songs: Singing bhajans and devotional songs throughout the puja can enhance the spiritual ambiance.
  • Intentions: Set intentions or make wishes during the puja, as it is believed that Ganesha blesses devotees with their desires.

Celebrating Ganesh Chaturthi at home is a joyous occasion that fosters spiritual growth and community bonds. Enjoy the festivities and the presence of Lord Ganesha in your home!

Step By Step Ganesh Chaturthi Puja Vidhi

Decorated with floral decorations and gorgeous lights, Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations witness a doubling of joy, happiness, excitement, and devotion every day. Similarly, the Vidhis performed everyday symbolize the love towards the Lord Ganpati. Celebrated for 10 long days, this festival begins with the following Vidhis.

# Avahana and Pratishthapana

Join your palms together with thumbs folded inside, showcasing Avahana Mudra, and chant the following mantras to invoke the idol with life.


Mantra for Avahana :

He Heramba Tvamehyehi Hyambikatryambakatmaja।
Siddhi-Buddhi Pate Tryaksha Lakshalabha Pituh Pitah॥
Nagasyam Nagaharam Tvam Ganarajam Chaturbhujam।
Bhushitam Svayudhaudavyaih Pashankushaparashvadhaih॥
Avahayami Pujartham Rakshartham Cha Mam Kritoh।
Ihagatya Grihana Tvam Pujam Yagam Cha Raksha Me॥
Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।

Mantra for Pratishthapana :

Asyai Pranah Pratishthantu Asyai Pranaksharantu Cha।
Asyai Devatvamarchayai Mamaheti Cha Kashchana॥
Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Supratishtho Varado Bhava॥

# Asana Samarpan

Once the invoking and installing of the idol is done, take five flowers in your palms, recite the below mantra and offer a seat to the Lord and the flowers on his feet.

Vichitraratnakhachitam Divyastaranasamyutam।
Swarna Simhasanam Charu Grihana Guhagraja॥
Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Asanam Samarpayami॥

# Padya Samarpan

This includes washing the feet of Ganpati Bappa while reciting the mantra;

Om Sarvatirthasamudbhutam Padyam Gandhadibhiryutam।
Gajanana Grihanedam Bhagawana Bhaktavatsalah॥
Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Padayoh Padyam Samarpayami॥

# Arghya Samarpan

While chanting the following mantra, offer scented water to the murti.

Om Ganadhyaksha Namasteastu Grihana Karuna Kara।
Arghyam Cha Phala Samyuktam Gandhamalyakshatairyutam॥
Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Hastorarghyam Samarpayami॥

# Achamana

Offer water to Ganpati for Achamana while chanting the mantra;
Vighnaraja Namastubhyam Tridashairabhivandita।
Gangodakena Devesha Kurushwachamanam Prabho॥
Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Mukhe Achamaniyam Samarpayami॥

# Snana Mantra

Below are the mantras while offering Snana (bathing) to the murti.

● Jal Snana – With the chanting of the mantra Shri Ganesha is offered water for bathing.

Narmada Chandrabhagadi Gangasangasajairjalaih।
Snani Tosi Maya Deva Vighnasagham Nivaraya॥
Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Sarvanga Snanam Samarpayami॥

● Panchamrita Snanam – Offering Panchamrit (milk, ghee, sugar, curd, honey) while chanting the below mantra.

Panchamritam Mayaaanitam Payodadhi, Ghritam Madhu।
Sharkara Cha Samayuktam Snanartham Pratigrihyatam॥

● Payah/Dugdha Snanam – Give a bath with Paya (milk) while chanting the below mantra.

Kamadhenusamudbhutam Sarvesham Jivanam Param।
Tejah Pushtikaram Divyam Snanartham Pratigrihyatam॥

● Dadhi Snanam – Now bathe the idol with curd while chanting the below mantra.

Payasastu Samudbhutam Madhuramlam Shashiprabham।
Dadhyanitam Mayadeva Snanartham Pratigrihyatam॥

● Ghrita Snanam – Give a bath with Ghee while chanting the below mantra.

Navanita Samutpannam Sarvasantoshakarakam।
Ghritam Tubhyam Pradasyami Snanartham Pratigrihyatam॥

● Madhu Snanam – While chanting the below mantra, offer honey to the murti.

Pushparenusamudbhutam Suswadu Madhuram Madhu।
Tejah Pushtikaramdivyam Snanartham Pratigrihyatam॥

● Sharkara Snanam – Now give a bath with sugar to the idol while chanting the below mantra.

Ikshusarasamudbhutam Sharkara Pushti Da Shubha।
Malapaharika Divya Snanartham Pratigrihyatam॥

● Suvasita Snanam – Along with chanting the below mantra, offer scented oil to the murti.

Champakashekabakula Malati Mogaradibhih।
Vasitam Snigdhatahetu Tailam Charu Pratigrihyatam॥

● Shuddhodaka Snanam – Bathe the murti with Gangajal while chanting the below mantra.

Ganga Cha Yamuna Chaiva Godavari Saraswati।
Narmada Sindhuh Kaveri Snanartham Pratigrihyatam॥


# Vastra Samarpan and Uttariya Samarpan

● Vastra Samarpan – This Vidhi includes offering Moli (new clothes) to the murti and chanting of the below mantra.

Shitavatoshna Santranam Lajjaya Rakshanam Parama।
Dehalankaranam Vastramatah Shanti Prayachchha Me॥
Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Vastram Samarpayami॥

● Uttariya Samarpan – Offer clothes that cover the upper body of the murti while chanting the below mantra.

Uttariyam Tatha Deva Nana Chitritamuttamam।
Grihanendram Maya Bhaktaya Dattam Tat Saphali Kuru॥
Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Uttariya Samarpayami॥

● Yajnopavita Samarpan – This includes offering Yajnopavita to the idol while chanting below mantra.

Navabhistantubhiryuktam Trigunam Devatamayam।
Upavitam Mayadattam Grihana Parameshwara॥
Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Yajnopavitam Samarpayami॥

● Gandha – While chanting the below mantra, offer scent to the murti.

Shri Khanda Chandana Divyam Gandhadhyam Sumanoharam।
Vilepanam Surashreshtha Chandanam Pratigrihyatam॥
Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Gandham Samarpayami॥

● Akshata – While chanting the below mantra, offer Akshat (unbroken) to the murti.

Akshatashcha Sura Shreshtha Kumkumalah Sushobhitah।
Maya Nivedita Bhaktaya Grihana Parameshwara॥
Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Akshatan Samarpayami॥


# Pushpa Mala, Shami Patra, Durvankura, Sindoor

● Pushpa Mala – Next, is to offer a garland made of flowers to the murti while chanting the following mantra.

Malyadini Sugandhini Malyadinivai Prabhuh।
Maya Hritani Pushpani Grihyantam Pujanaya Bhoh॥
Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Pushpamalam Samarpayami॥

● Shami Patra – Along with chanting the below mantra, offer Shami Patra to the murti.

Tvatpriyani Supushpani Komalani Shubhani Vai।
Shamidalani Heramba Grihana Gananayaka॥
Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Shami Patrani Samarpayami॥

● Durvankur – Now offer 3 or 5 leaflets of Durva grass to the murti while chanting the following mantra.


● Sindoor – Offer Sindoor (vermilion) while chanting the following mantra.

Sindoor Shobhanam Raktam Saubhagyam Sukhavardhanam।
Shubhadam Kamadam Chaiva Sindooram Pratigrihyatam॥
Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Sindoor Samarpayami॥

● Dhoop – Next is to offer Dhoop to the murti while chanting following mantra.

Vanaspatirasodbhuto Gandhadhyo Gandhah Uttamah।
Aghreya Sarva Devanam Dhupoayam Pratigrihyatam॥
Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।


# Deep Samarpan

Now offer deep to the murti while chanting the below mantra.

Sajyam Chavartisamyuktam Vahnina Yojitam Maya।
Deepam Grihana Devesha Trailokyatimira Paham॥
Bhaktya Deepam Prayachchhami Devaya Paramatmane।
Trahimam Nirayad Ghoraddipajyotirnamoastute॥
Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Deepam Darshayami॥


# Naivedya and Karodvartan

● Naivedya Nivedan – This is the Vidhi of offering Naivedya to the Lord while chanting the following mantra.

Naivedyam Grihyatam Deva Bhakti Me Hyachalam Kuru।
Ipsitam Me Varam Dehi Paratra Cha Param Gatim॥
Sharkara Khanda Khadyani Dadhi Kshira Ghritani Cha।
Aharam Bhakshya Bhojyam Cha Naivedyam Pratigrihyatam॥
Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Naivedyam Modakamayarituphalani Cha Samarpayami॥

● Chandan Karodvartan – Once Naivedya is offered, while chanting the following mantra also offer water mixed with chandan.

Chandanam Malayodbhutam Kasturyadi Samanvitam।
Karodvartanakam Deva Grihana Parameshwara॥
Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Chandanena Karodvartanam Samarpayami॥

# Tambula, Narikela and Dakshina Samarpan

● Tambula Samarpan – While chanting the below mantra, offer Tambula, i;e. a Paan with betel nuts.

Om Pugiphalam Mahadivyam Nagavallidalairyutam।
Ela Churnadisamyuktam Tambulam Pratigrihyatam॥
Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Mukha Vasarthamela Pugi Phaladi Sahitam Tambula Samarpayami॥

● Narikela Samarpan – While chanting the following mantra, offer coconut to the Lord.

Idam Phalam Mayadeva Sthapitam Puratastava।
Tena Me Saphalavaptirbhavejjanmani Janmani॥
Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Narikela Phalam Samarpayami॥

● Dakshina Samarpan – Once done, offer Dakshina (a gift) to the Lord while chanting the below mantra.

Hiranyagarbhagarbhastham Hema Bijam Vibhavasoh।
Ananta Punya Phaladamatah Shantim Prayachchha Me॥
Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Dravyam Dakshinam Samarpayami॥


# Neerajan and Visarjan

● Neerajan/Aarti – Once, Tambula, Narikela and Dakshina are offered, perform Aarti of Lord Ganesha after chanting the below mantra.

Kadali Garbha Sambhutam Karpuram Tu Pradipitam।
Arartikamaham Kurve Pashya Me Varado Bhava॥
Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Karpura Neerajanam Samarpayami॥

● Pushpanjali Arpan – While chanting the below mantra, offer Pushpanjali to the Lord.

Nanasugandhi Pushpani Yatha Kalodbhavani Cha।
Pushpanjalirmaya Datto Grihana Parameshwara॥
Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Mantra Pushpanjali Samarpayami॥

● Pradakshina – While chanting below Mantra, offer Pradakshina (a symbolic circumambulate from left to right of Shri Ganesha) along with flowers.

Yani Kani Cha Papani Jnatajnata Kritani Cha।
Tani Sarvani Nashyanti Pradakshina Pade Pade॥
Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Pradakshinam Samarpayami॥

● Visarjan – While chanting the below mantra, immerse the idol in the water.

Avahanam Na Janami Na Janami Tavarchanam।
Pujam Chaiva Na Janami Kshamasva Ganeshwara॥
Anyatha Sharanam Nasti Tvameva Sharanam Mam।
Tasmatkarunya Bhavena Rakshasva Vighneshwara॥
Gatam Papam Gatam Dukham Gatam Daridraya Meva Cha।
Agata Sukha Sampattih Punyachcha Tava Darshanat॥
Mantrahinam Kriyahinam Bhaktihinam Sureshwara।
Yatpujitam Maya Deva Paripurnam Tadastu Me॥
Yadaksharapada Bhrashtam Matrahinam Cha Yadbhavet।
Tatsarva Kshamyatam Deva Prasida Parameshwara॥

Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated in Maharashtra all over the country. Huge idols are placed in places for everyone to pay and Visarajan takes place on the tenth day. The idol is carried to the shore and sunk with a festival procession. This marks the beginning of a new phase with Lord Ganesha’s blessing. Make sure to buy eco-friendly Ganesha that is made up of natural materials and celebrate the festival without hampering the environment.


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Shiv Ji Aarti

Shiv Ji Aarti

Om Jai Shiv Omkara Swami Jai shiva Omkara ।
Bramha Vishnu Sadashiv Ardhangi Dhaara II

Om jai shiv omkara II

Ekaanan chaturaanan panchaanan raje ।
Hansaasan garudaasan vrishvaahan saaje II

Om jai shiv omkara II

Do Bhuj Chaaru Chaturbhuj Dasbhuj Ati Sohe ।
Teeno Rup Nirakhate Tribhuvan Jan Mohe II

Om jai shiv omkara II

Akshamaala Vanmaala Rundmaala Dhaari ।
Tipurari Kansari Kar Mala Dhari II

Om jai shiv omkara II

Shvetambar Pitambar baaghambar Ange ।
sankaadik Garudaadik bhutaadik sange II

Om jai shiv omkara II

Kar madhy Sukmandalu Chakra shuldhari ।
Sukhakari Dukhahari Jagpalan Kaari II

Om jai shiv omkara II

Bramha vishnu sadaashiv jaanat aviveka ।
Pranavaakshar me Shobhit ye tino ekaa II

Om jai shiv omkara II

Kashi Me Viraaje Vishvanaath, Nandi Bramhchaari ।
Nit Uthh Darshan Paavat, Mahimaa Ati Bhaari II

Om jai shiv omkara II

Trigunaswamiji ki aarti jo koi nar gave ।
Kahat shivanand swami sukh sampati pave II

Om jai shiv omkara II

शिवजी आरती

ॐ जय शिव ओंकारा, स्वामी जय शिव ओंकारा।
ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, सदाशिव, अर्द्धगी धारा॥

ॐ जय शिव ओंकारा॥

एकानन चतुरानन पंचानन राजै।
हंसासन गरूड़ासन वृषवाहन साजे॥

ॐ जय शिव ओंकारा॥

दो भुज चारू चतुर्भुज दसभुज अति सोहे।
तीनो रूप निरखते त्रिभुवन जन मोहे॥

ॐ जय शिव ओंकारा॥

अक्षमाला वनमाला मुण्डमाला धारी।
त्रिपुरारी कंसारी कर माला धारी॥

ॐ जय शिव ओंकारा॥

श्वेताम्बर पीताम्बर बाघंबर अंगे।
सनकादिक गरुणादिक भूतादिक संगे॥

ॐ जय शिव ओंकारा॥

कर के मध्य कमण्डलु चक्र त्रिशूलधारी।
सुखकारी दुखहारी जगपालन कारी॥

ॐ जय शिव ओंकारा॥

ब्रह्मा विष्णु सदाशिव जानत अविवेका।
प्रणवाक्षर मध्ये ये तीनों एका॥

ॐ जय शिव ओंकारा॥

काशी में विश्वनाथ विराजत नन्दी ब्रह्मचारी।
नित उठि भोग लगावत महिमा अति भारी ॥

ॐ जय शिव ओंकारा॥

त्रिगुणस्वामी जी की आरती जो कोइ नर गावे।
कहत शिवानंद स्वामी सुख संपति पावे॥

ॐ जय शिव ओंकारा॥

Ganesha Chaturthi 2024 : Date, Time and Significance

Ganesha Chaturthi, also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi, is one of the most widely celebrated Hindu festivals dedicated to Lord Ganesha, the beloved elephant-headed deity revered as the remover of obstacles and the god of beginnings. This festival typically falls in the Hindu month of Bhadrapada, usually between August and September, and culminates on the fourth day of the waxing moon period.

The festival holds immense cultural and spiritual significance across India, with Maharashtra being particularly renowned for its elaborate celebrations. It marks the birth anniversary of Lord Ganesha, who is worshiped for his wisdom, prosperity, and auspiciousness. The preparations for Ganesha Chaturthi begin weeks in advance, with artisans creating intricate clay idols of Ganesha. These idols range from small household icons to colossal statues displayed in public pandals, often adorned with vibrant decorations and flowers.

On the day of the festival, devotees wake up early to cleanse themselves and their homes before installing the Ganesha idols. The installation, known as ‘sthapana’, involves elaborate rituals and prayers conducted by priests or household members. Offerings such as modaks (sweet dumplings), fruits, and coconut are made to Lord Ganesha, accompanied by chants and devotional songs.

Throughout the festival, which can span from one to eleven days depending on traditions and regional customs, devotees engage in daily prayers, bhajans (devotional songs), and visits to Ganesha temples. Public celebrations in Maharashtra often include processions with large idols of Ganesha, accompanied by music and dancing, before culminating in the immersion of the idols in bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, or the sea. This immersion, known as ‘Visarjan’, symbolizes the cycle of creation and dissolution in Hindu cosmology, as well as the impermanence of life.

Ganesha Chaturthi transcends religious boundaries and is celebrated with equal enthusiasm by people of different faiths and backgrounds across India. It fosters a sense of community and unity as neighborhoods come together to organize pandals and festivities. Families and friends exchange visits and sweets, reinforcing social bonds and spreading joy.

The environmental impact of the festival has become a growing concern in recent years. Traditionally, Ganesha idols were crafted from clay, which dissolves in water without harming the ecosystem. However, the use of plaster of Paris (PoP) and chemical dyes in idol-making has raised environmental issues due to their non-biodegradable nature and toxic effects on water bodies. In response, there has been a significant shift towards eco-friendly practices, encouraging the use of natural materials and water-soluble colors for idol creation.

Beyond its religious and cultural dimensions, Ganesha Chaturthi holds a deeper spiritual significance. Lord Ganesha is revered as the ‘Vighnaharta’, the remover of obstacles, and invoking his blessings is believed to bring prosperity, success, and harmonious beginnings in various undertakings. Devotees seek his divine intervention to overcome challenges and fulfill their aspirations with positivity and grace. 

Ganpati Visarjan: Immersion of the idol

Visarjan or Nimajjanam immersion of the idol takes place on the festival’s last day. The 10th consecutive day is popularly known as Anant Chaturdashi. After the festival, these idols are submerged in a river, sea, or any water body. Thousands of devotees gather on the beaches with drums and firecrackers to say goodbye to Lord Ganpati.

Ganesha Chaturthi in 2024 will be observed on August 30th. This auspicious Hindu festival celebrates the birth of Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed deity who is revered as the remover of obstacles and the god of beginnings.

Date and Time:

  • Date: Saturday 7 September, 2024
  • Time: The festival begins with the installation of Ganesha idols in homes and public pandals. This is usually accompanied by prayers, devotional singing, and offerings. The duration of the festival varies, but typically idols are kept for 1 to 10 days before being immersed in water.


  • Ganesha Chaturthi holds significant cultural and spiritual importance across India, especially in Maharashtra where it is celebrated with great fervor. It marks the beginning of the festival season and is a time of joy, community gatherings, and devotion to Lord Ganesha.
  • Devotees believe that invoking Lord Ganesha during this time brings prosperity, success, and removes obstacles from their lives.
  • The immersion of Ganesha idols (Visarjan) symbolizes the cycle of birth and rebirth, reminding people of the impermanence of life.

Ganesha Idols:

  • During Ganesha Chaturthi, elaborate idols of Lord Ganesha are crafted and installed in homes and public pandals. These idols are typically made of clay, plaster of Paris (PoP), or eco-friendly materials to minimize environmental impact.
  • Artisans and sculptors create these idols with intricate designs and decorations, often reflecting cultural motifs and regional styles.
  • The size of Ganesha idols can vary from small ones placed in homes to massive ones displayed in public pandals, attracting thousands of devotees.

Overall, Ganesha Chaturthi is a vibrant and joyous festival that celebrates the divine presence of Lord Ganesha and promotes unity, cultural heritage, and spiritual growth among communities.

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The Glory and Miracles of the Ganesh Chaturthi

Ganesh Chaturthi, a festival celebrated with immense fervor and devotion across India, holds a profound significance that intertwines cultural heritage, religious traditions, and spiritual beliefs. Lasting for up to ten days, this vibrant festival centers around the worship of Lord Ganesha, the beloved elephant-headed deity known as the remover of obstacles and the god of beginnings.

Historical and Cultural Significance :

The origins of Ganesh Chaturthi can be traced back to the Maratha ruler, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, who popularized the festival as a public event to promote unity and nationalism. Over time, it evolved into a grand affair celebrated in homes and public spaces alike. The festival typically falls in late August or early September, marking the beginning of the Hindu lunar month of Bhadrapada.

Preparations and Rituals:

Months before the festival, artisans meticulously craft clay idols of Lord Ganesha in various sizes, ranging from small household idols to towering statues that can reach several meters in height. These idols, symbolizing the divine presence of Lord Ganesha, are adorned with vibrant clothing, jewelry, and flowers.

On the day of the festival, devotees gather in homes and at elaborate pandals (temporary stages) erected in neighborhoods and communities. The ritualistic prayers and chants, accompanied by the melodious sounds of bells and drums, create an atmosphere charged with spiritual energy.

The Immersion Ceremony:

One of the most poignant moments of Ganesh Chaturthi is the immersion ceremony, known as Visarjan. On the final day of the festival, amidst chanting and singing, devotees carry the idol of Lord Ganesha in grand processions to nearby bodies of water, such as rivers, lakes, or the ocean. The Visarjan symbolizes the cyclical nature of life and the impermanence of material existence, reinforcing the belief in the eternal spirit of Lord Ganesha.

Cultural Unity and Community Spirit:

Ganesh Chaturthi transcends religious boundaries, uniting people from diverse backgrounds in a shared celebration of faith and cultural pride. The festival serves as a powerful reminder of the values of compassion, tolerance, and communal harmony.

Miracles and Blessings:

Devotees believe fervently in the miracles and blessings bestowed upon them by Lord Ganesha during Ganesh Chaturthi. Many share personal stories of overcoming obstacles, achieving success in endeavors, and experiencing spiritual enlightenment through their devotion to the benevolent deity.

Environmental Consciousness:

In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on eco-friendly celebrations of Ganesh Chaturthi. Efforts are made to use natural materials for the idols and decorations, such as clay and biodegradable materials, and to minimize environmental impact during the immersion process.


“Miracles of Ganesh Chaturthi”

“Discover the profound spiritual impact of Ganesh Chaturthi, where devotees celebrate the miracles and blessings of Lord Ganesha. From overcoming obstacles to experiencing spiritual enlightenment, this festival embodies faith, hope, and divine intervention.”

“Ganesh Chaturthi “

Ganesh Chaturthi is not merely a festival but a spiritual journey that embodies the essence of devotion, cultural richness, and communal harmony. 


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Ganesh ji aarti lyrics

Ganesh Ji Aarti

Jay Ganesh, Jay Ganesh, Jay Ganesh Devaa I
Maataa Jaakii Paarvatii, Pitaa Mahaadevaa ॥

Ladduan Ka Bhog Lage, Sant Kare Sevaa ॥
Maataa Jaakii Paarvatii, Pitaa Mahaadevaa ॥

Ek Dant Dayaavant, Char Bhujaadhaarii I
Maathe sindur sohai muse ki sawari ॥

Paan Chadhe, Phool Chadhe Aur Chadhe Mewa I
Maataa Jaakii Paarvatii, Pitaa Mahaadevaa ॥

Andhan Ko Aankh Det, Koddhin Ko Kaayaa I
Baanjhan Ko Putra Det, Nirdhan Ko Maayaa ॥

Suurashyaam Shaarann Aae Saphal Kiije Sevaa I
Maataa Jaakii Paarvatii, Pitaa Mahaadevaa ॥

Jay Ganesh, Jay Ganesh, Jay Ganesh Devaa I
Maataa Jaakii Paarvatii, Pitaa Mahaadevaa ॥ 

जय गणेश जय गणेश जय गणेश देवा I
माता जाकी पार्वती पिता महादेवा ॥

लड्डुअन का भोग लगे संत करें सेवा ॥
माता जाकी पार्वती पिता महादेवा ॥

एक दंत दयावंत चार भुजा धारी।
माथे सिन्दूर सोहे मूसे की सवारी ॥

पान चढ़े फूल चढ़े और चढ़े मेवा।
माता जाकी पार्वती पिता महादेवा ॥

अन्धन को आंख देत, कोढ़िन को काया।
बांझन को पुत्र देत, निर्धन को माया ॥

‘सूर’ श्याम शरण आए सफल कीजे सेवा I
माता जाकी पार्वती पिता महादेवा ॥

जय गणेश जय गणेश जय गणेश देवा I
माता जाकी पार्वती पिता महादेवा ॥ 

Hanuman Yantra

Yantra Kali

Guru Yantra

Shree Yantra / Sri Yantra

Crystal ball vastu

Kanakdhara yantra

Chandra Yantra

Laxmi Ganesh Yantra